Sunday 22 April 2012

"spring flowers"

I've missed some tags but hopefully I'll keep up again now I've had the long awaited spine op .....

This week's tag is just a print of an embroidery - blogged at,


  1. Very pretty flowers! Hope you are doing well!!

  2. Hi Connie,Lovely flowery embroidery.Glad you are back with us, and hope you are feeling better now. Take care, Jane xx

  3. That sounds like quite a major op, I'm glad it all went well and you are feeling much better. I love the delicate flower embroidery, incorporating the buttons.

  4. Beautiful embroidery, makes a wonderful tag.

  5. Hi Connie, you may have been laid up but your work certainly has not suffered. Your tag is beautiful.
    Welcome back.
    Lynn xx
    One I made earlier today

  6. I love this tag too.Hope you're better very soon.That's a major bit of surgery to go through. Brave you!


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