Monday 22 July 2024

New challenge - summer holidays

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our theme is 'summer holidays', and I have the honour of hosting. First of all I would like to thank our lovely Michele, who made such beautiful tags for her fabulous Celestial challenge over the past 2 weeks. And of course, BIG thanks to Sandie, who keeps the blog going and is also updating the blog, which was sorely necessary .

My favourite place to go on holiday in summer is, of course by the sea:


Some might prefer to go to the country or to a farm, to enjoy the simple life. I did this once - the toilet was in the middle of a muddy field and had 3 seats, so no one had to venture out alone....Never again!

I love boat trips:

Paris is always worth a holiday visit, and the food is great:

Tags of all sizes and shapes are welcome at Tag Tuesday, so hope to see lots of you joining in! Have fun!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

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Monday 15 July 2024

Challenge Favourite for "Flowers"

                                                                                                               Current Challenge 

Hi Everyone, it's time to announce the challenge favourite for Pinky's theme of "Flowers"

She has chosen....No.10. Erika

Congratulations Erika, such a lovely Tag.

Please take your badge and link us to your blog.

Please Note...there is still another week left for Michele's Celestial theme.

Monday 8 July 2024


 Here we are again, with another fun challenge, this time its from Michele.

But first Thank you to all of you that entered Pinky's Flower Challenge, beautiful entries, Pinky will have a hard job I'm sure picking her favourite,lol.

Do check back next week to see who she chose.

So on to Micheles challenge....

"We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself." Carl Sagan

I'm Michele and your DT host for the next two weeks and I've chosen "Celestial" as my theme! 
Here are my explorations into the sky:

Images from various artists and companies, Gecko Galz, Arthouse Whimsy, Tim Holtz, Tumblefish Studios, itKuPiLLi, and more.

I hope you will join in with the challenge!

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Friday 5 July 2024

Challenge Favourite- Travel


I must apologise for such a late post regarding my favourite Travel Tag.

I have had a few days away as my elderly aunt is very poorly, she is in her 90's and the last of my older relatives, so I just had to travel to go and see her.

On to my favourite tag for my theme of Travel is Chrissy

Congratulations Chrissy, please take our badge and link us to your blog.

All the entries were pretty amazing and it's always hard to just pick one tag.
Once again, so sorry I am so late posting this.

There is still enough time to play along with our Flower theme. ( link at the top of this page )

Monday 24 June 2024


Time again for another challenge, this time it's Pinky's theme of Flowers.
But before she tells you about it, I want to Thank Everyone that played along with my Travel theme over the last 2wks.
I shall look again at all the entries and try and choose a favourite, which I shall post next I will hand you over to Pinky.

Hi everyone! For my theme I have gone with flowers.
Everywhere is so colourful and pretty at the minute so why not.

For my first tag I stamped a background using a tiny stamp.
I then added the stamped/coloured and die cut
flowers and pot. I stamped the edge of a teapot
to show them being watered and used some pearlized enamel paint
for the water.

For my second tag I repeat stamped and die cut
the little spray of flowers to create enough for
a wreath tag.
I stamped the sentiment, arranged the flowers
and finished with a ribbon and some pearls!

Hope you get time to get your flowers out for a play.

Please link your tag below, have fun everyone xx


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Monday 17 June 2024

Challenge Favourite

  Current Challenge

Hello everyone, hope you are all well.

It's time to announce the Challenge Favourite for Valerie's theme of "Colours"

She has chosen Anita's Tag 

Congratulations Anita, such a pretty tag.
Please take your badge and link us to your blog.

Thank you to everyone that played along, everyone's tag was awesome...x

Monday 10 June 2024


 Welcome Everyone, it's time for a new challenge and this time around it's me Sandie.

But first we must Thank all of you that played along with Valerie's theme "Colours"

They were all pretty amazing and I am sure Valerie will find it difficult to chose just one as her favourite.

To see who it is, please check back in a weeks time.

So on to my Travel theme, there are so many ways to Travel, bus, fly, car, train, even walking, could even be a bird flying, just have fun with the theme, but please make sure your Tag is a Tag.

Here are my tags to give you some inspiration

Please link up your entry in the usual way, have fun xx

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Sunday 2 June 2024

Challenge Favourite

← Current Challenge

Hello Everyone, this mid challenge post is now going to be a regular feature here at Tag Tuesday.

This is where we announce the designer's favourite Tag from the challenge they hosted.

 Michele had chosen the theme "CATS" 

After some deliberation, well, there were some amazing entries, so it was difficult to just pick one! Michele finally settled on Wilma's Cat Tag

Congratulations Wilma, please take our badge and link us to your blog.
We all hope you will continue to play along in our challenges.

Monday 27 May 2024


                                                                                                           → Challenge Favourite

Hi Everybody! 

This fortnight Valerie - that's me - is hosting the challenge here and her theme is


First of all I would like to thank Michele, who hosted our lovely 'cats' challenge, and Sandie, who has spent a lot of time keeping the blog going and updating it very nicely. I am  not able to do much these days, and very happy that Sandie is keeping it going. As always, our challenges run for 2 weeks, and of course, we want to see tags! 

I have  3 tags to show today:

Feathers are one of my favourite themes. These were stamped and then coloured with water colours- I like to keep to a limited colour palette, but you can enjoy any riot of colours that you like!

Those who know me will recognise my favourite drink! I did some sewing and added lace, which was coloured with coffee. The coffee glass was made with a paper napkin:

Andx a colourful tag with hot colours:

Here's wishing you all lots of fun, and I am looking forwardx to sseeing your 
colourful tags:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

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Monday 13 May 2024


Hi Everyone, 

Many thanks to all that played along with Pinky's theme of Birds the last 2 weeks.

We want to give you all a heads up that we have made a couple of changes to our challenge.

If you look across to the right sidebar you will be able to find the next challenge theme. We thought that by doing that you can make your tags in advance.

We are also introducing a new Badge for you.

 As you know everyone involved in Tag Tuesday chooses a theme, at the end of each challenge the designer will choose their  "Challenge Favourite"

So now on to this fortnights challenge, hosted by Michele, here she is to tell you all about it.

"I'm the DT host for the next two weeks and my theme is cats! Even though I do not currently have cat friends at home, I love cats and they also make a fan theme for crafting. I hope you'll join in and have fun with this challenge! "

Images from a variety of sources. Please play along! 

Please link up your entry in the usual way.

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Monday 29 April 2024


Hello Everyone, it seems everyone enjoyed the Anything Goes theme that we had for the last 2 weeks. We certainly had a lot of gorgeous Tags, so a huge Thank You to all of you that played along. 

For the next 2 weeks we have Pinky hosting with her theme, we hope you will play along.

Hi there, it's my turn Pinky to choose the theme and I would love to see Birds

or anything Bird related on your tags this fortnight.

For my first tag I have gone with a hanging birdhouse.

The birdhouse is die cut with loads of different dies
and then assembled. I stamped the bird and flowers and
layered them up on the front. The sentiment was added
and I finished it off with a little die cut bow.

I did another birdhouse for my second tag.
Again I used the same die set and stamp set
and had great fun assembling it all together.

This time I put the bird inside the house
and a row of little flowers to decorate her home.

Have fun with the theme and do drop by and leave some love on Pinky's blog.xx

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Monday 15 April 2024

You choose...Anything Goes.

 Hello Everyone. 

Thank you to all of you that entered our last challenge, hosted by our lovely Valerie.

This fortnights challenge is Anything Goes, chosen by me, Sandie.

So long as your tag is actually a Tag, it can be any medium and you can chose any theme you like!

Here are my Tags, I do hope they will inspire you to play along with us.

You are welcome to post as many tags as you wish, but each tag must be a separate blog post.

I hope you all have fun with this theme...x

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Monday 1 April 2024

Spring flowers

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge here at Tag Tuesday, and dear Valerie is hosting - that's me! Thanks to dear Michele who hosted the last 2 weeks with her theme of Gothic /Gothic arches. My choice for the next 2 weeks is spring flowers, and I think we have plenty of choice just now. Here in Rhineland where I live the flowers are bursting out everywhere, it's great to see their wonderful colours.

I hope to add new tags in the course of the next 2 weeks. I am doing my best, but am still in hospital.

And I hope to see lots of you joining in,

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Monday 18 March 2024

Gothic Arch or Gothic theme.

Hello Everyone, time for another fun challenge here at Tag Tuesday.

A big Thank You to teamie Pinky for her theme over the last 2 weeks.

This fortnight we have teamie Michele's theme, here she is to tell you about it...

I'm Michele, the DT host for the next two weeks and my theme is gothic arches, so what does that mean? 

"A gothic arch is an arch with a pointed crown that meets at an angle at the top of the arch, it can be more pointed or more round, this architectural element was particularly important in gothic architecture. I'm choosing to make my tags in the shape of a gothic arch, but for this challenge you are welcome to just create a tag on a gothic theme, I want to make it easy for you to play!"

Images are from Tim Holtz, Gecko Galz, and a variety of images cut from various retired Mischief Circus Kits and then random items from my stash of goodies!

So to recap, join us by making a tag either in the shape of a gothic arch or on a gothic theme generally, thank you very much.x

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Monday 4 March 2024

Bunny or Hare, I don't care...

Hello Folks, time again for another challenge, but first I have to say Thank You to all of you that played along with my Asemic Writing theme. I loved all the entries.
Here is Pinky to tell you about her theme...

Hi, it's Pinky here and my theme for the next two weeks is
As it's Easter this month I have gone with that theme
for my bunny rabbits.

For my first tag I have cut a floral oval from a paper pack
and used it for the tag shape.
I stamped and coloured up my bunny.
Gave him a nice string bow and added the sentiment.

For my second tag I cut the tag shape then punched two holes
for my bunnies to peep out of.
I embossed this for added texture.
I lined the back with some gingham paper.
The bunnies, butterfly and carrot were stamped, coloured
and cut and placed under the raised tag.
I then finished with a sentiment and some ribbon.

I hope you get time to join us this fortnight.


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Monday 19 February 2024

Asemic Writing

 Hi Everyone, it's Sandie here and I am hosting the challenge for the next 2 weeks.

First I must Thank Valerie for her theme for the last challenge, it was very popular, so it was nice to see so  many entries.

I am hoping you will enjoy my theme Asemic Writing. 

( Asemic writing is a wordless open semantic form of writing.

The word asemic means "having no specific content" or "without the smallest unit of meaning" )

How many of us have seen this type of script and not know what it was, I didn't, I have to admit I googled it!

I do hope my tags will inspire you to join us over the next 2 weeks.

Have Fun.xx

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Monday 5 February 2024

Valentine's day is coming nearer....

Hi Everybody!

First of all I would like to thanks Michele for her Marie Antoinette challenge in the last fortnight. This time it's my turn to post and I have chosen Valentine's Day as my challenge. As always, you  have 2 weeks to join us and link your tag(s), and tags of all formats and styles are welcome. But it must be a tag!

I painted 2 large sheets of watercolour paper with a mix of purple, dark pink, white and some splatters  in silver and gold, and used them to die cut hearts, strips and other bits and bods, and then set to work to put them together. I used all sorts of tag shapes and just had fun. I am showing three today and will be back in the course of the week to add some more. And I am very much looking forward to seeing your tags!

The first one is a sort of 'Victorian' valentine with lace, flowers and hearts:

Gold card from a choclolate box (I ate them specially for you so I could use the card!), some paint, feathers, stars, a heart and wings and some flowers:

A gifted tag, to which I added silver stars with a stencil, and once again hearts and wings cut from my ainted paper: 

I am very much looking forward to seeing your tags and visiting your blogs, so keep spreading love and be kind to one another! 

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

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Monday 22 January 2024

Marie Antoinette

Hello Everyone, many thanks to Pinky for our last challenge, there were some lovely entries.

Michele is our host for this challenge and she has an interesting theme too, so we hope you will like it and play along. Here she is to tell you about it....

My chosen theme for the next two weeks is "Marie Antoinette." Marie Antoinette is a historical figure, the last queen of France before the French Revolution. Known for being frivolous and extravagant, she nevertheless makes an excellent subject for creating. Here are a few samples to encourage folks to play along.

My Marie images come from lunagirl, most of the backgrounds are from gecko galz. I hope you will create along with us!

Please link your entry below.
Have fun.x
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