Tuesday 17 April 2012

Spring Flowers

Greetings everyone. I was hard pressed to pick a favourite spring flower as I love them all, but always buy big bunches of Daffodils, and their sunny faces don't need a 'posh' vase as a jam jar looks equally good. So for this tag I have done just that.
tag tuesday spring flowers
For the base of the tag I used some corrugated cardboard and some torn calico which I roughly painted with yellow acrylic. The 'jam jar' was stamped onto some perspex packing and then I machine stitched around the edge onto another piece so that I ended up with a vase I could put the leaves and stalks in. The daffodil heads are material ones and the label on the front reads:
'Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty.'
Taken from 'A Winters Tale' by William Shakespeare.
I knotted some garden string across the top to hang the tag. Simple, like the beautiful flower itself although adorned by Shakespeare's anything but simple English. The older I get the more I appreciate his astonishing writing, I do wish that I hadn't had my early introduction to him ruined at school all those years ago!
Have a lovely week everyone, I can't wait to see all your beautiful flowers. x


  1. Barb, this is a lovely tag.Clever too.I'm still scratching my head to find an idea!

  2. The vase idea is so clever - lovely, spring tag ;-)

  3. Beautiful (and inventive ) tag!

  4. Such a pretty tag and I love the vase - very ingenious!

  5. Oh your jam jar of daffs is lovely! a very beautiful tag Barb

  6. Wonderful! The torn fabric is a great touch!

  7. The jar is such a clever and brilliant idea, love your daffodils.

  8. You have such clever ideas Barb!! LOVE your jam jar (and how you have made it) The background of cardboard and calico is beautiful too...Gorgeous tag!
    Jan x

  9. Great tag, daffs are my fave, too! Valerie

  10. Lovely tag, Barbara ! Great idea! I love this quotation for daffodils.

    Jane x

  11. I love daffodils too and yours are really pretty.
    One I Made Earlier Today

  12. This is really clever - the jar came out really well. Love it.

  13. OMG, this tag is beyond beautiful! congratulations.

  14. When I saw this tag, I immediately felt very light and happy - beautiful, especially the clever jar for the lovely daffodils.

  15. Just love your bright and happy daffs, I love 'down to earth' flowers that don't demand a fancy vase!love the frayed edges and string tie. School education ruined lots of subjects for me, I think I would like English Literature, History and Science now! Jane xx


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