Tuesday 26 June 2012

Tales of the Riverbank.

A very simple tag this week.  I used a page from my daughters old school dictionary and tried to draw a kingfisher, (I would love to see one of these birds in the flesh) coloured in with my Inktense pencil and water.  All embellishments from my stash.  IF, I had had another old dictionary, I might have had another attempt at drawing the bird again, I need to do more drawing practice.


  1. I would love to see one too, I think this is a lovely drawing, well done! x

  2. Gorgeous bird! I remember seeing them when I was a kid, but not since then! Valerie

  3. Your kingfisher is wonderful..love how you have drawn him onto the dictionary paper :)..and I would love to see one too!
    Jan x

  4. Very nice! Kingfishers are very cool!

  5. Your Kingfisher is superb. No need for you to go back to the drawing board. I have seen one on the Thames at Pangbourne. To watch them dive into the water after fish is pure magic. Hugs Mrs A.

  6. He is a real handsome chap. I think he is a distant cousin of the Doodly Birds haha

  7. Your Kingfisher looks great to me! and I love the way you have used the old dictionary page.

  8. I think this is just great, I wish I could draw at all let alone as well as this. Great idea using the dictionary :0)

  9. What a wonderful drawing! I love it...

  10. Lovely kingfisher and great idea to use the dictionary page. I did a kingfisher on my tag too, just love those colours. Still hoping to see a real one every time I go to the river, Jane xx

  11. Beautiful tag. Those Inktense pencils are so vibrant. Love your kingfisher. We had one here dive bombing my large goldfish pond. Not nice.

  12. The kingfisher is really well drawn. His vibrant colors are gorgeous. He looks quite intense and must be focused on a dive...soon!

  13. I really like your kingfisher drawing. Blessings!

  14. Kingfishers are gorgeous.Love this simple tag.Simple is harder actually.You have to be so careful with what goes into the tag- you have done that!

  15. Your kingfisher is lovely!, nice idea to use the dictionary page ..clever!

  16. He's such a handsome fella and certainly doesn't need to be drawn again - he's perfect as he is! That is one gorgeous tag! I've seen a few Kingfishers but usually just a flash of bright blue and orange and then they're gone - I'd love to see one sitting on a branch or fishing (but unfortunately I'm not really quiet enough when we are out walking!).

  17. Fabulous artwork Sharne. The Kingfisher is a beautiful bird and you have done him justice. I love this look of images on top of the printed word. x

  18. Lovely tag, I can't think of anything to add to the above comments!
    Jane x

  19. I wish I could draw like that. The kingfisher is beautifully done.

  20. I love this tag - the colours of the beautiful drawn kingfisher bring this tag to life


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