Friday 13 July 2012


I remember so well going to the local lido with my brothers just about every day during the summer holidays. We spent all day there, constantly in and out of the water, devouring our sandwiches etc, maybe even having a little snooze once in a while after hours of play. So I chose a Lido for this week's SWIMMING theme -

I didn't get round to visiting last week, I was so busy getting everything ready to go to France for the summer. I'll try and visit you all over this weekend though.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. What fab colors! Very fun tag!

  2. What a fabulous tag - I love the image you chose - so appropriate, and it definitely brings back memories for me! Wonderful!

  3. Great tag, very evocative of the etra! Have a good stay in France! x

  4. I love the graphic feel and the colors in your tag. I also learned a new term, "lido." It's marvelous blogging with people around the world!

  5. I had forgotten about Lido's. A fun tag!

  6. Lovely cheery summer colours! Illustrates the lido beautifully.
    Jane x

  7. I have fond Lido memories too! The glass box is a perfect representation of a pool and shows of your fab tag perfectly. Have fun in France hopefully summer will show up soon!

  8. You captured a cruise perfectly!

  9. Your tag just says "fun in the sun" - love that "hand drawn" look of older advertisements.

  10. Great tag! wonderful image! and lovely memories you shared with us :)

  11. Great tag! wonderful image! and lovely memories you shared with us :)


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