Tuesday, 14 August 2012


Well ... I think you lot are WONDERFUL ...
for keeping the blog going with your gorgeous tags, your enthusiasm even though the themes sometimes challenge you outside of your personal comfort zones, your creativity, originality, your witty sense of humours and your generosity and kindness to one another ...

what a fab tag team we have 

I am full of admiration and plumped up with thankfulness
and I just wanted to tell you so

I hope (generally) you are still enjoying the challenges

this week, as we are having a theatre and cinema theme,
I'm playing a couple of movie themes in the background
they are from Edward Scissorhands and
James Bond "Thunderball"

 but I just wanted to say ... if the music gets on your nerves ...
just holler and I'll take the music off ... ok?
I won't be offended if the consensus is "no music"
I'm just trying to enhance your cinema screen
experience this week

(the music plays for a total of 5 mins 42 secs)

Bye for now
Carolyn ♥


  1. I believe it's good for the themes to challenge us out of our comfort zone. That's how we are going to grow as artists. You are doing an outstanding job, and I can't thank you enough. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. Blessings!

  2. I like the music. I loved the waves during the sea theme too! Thanks Carolyn.Without you this just wouldn't have happened.I had no idea you could be so creative with tags.
    We love this blog Carolyn.A Great Big THANKYOU!!

  3. Yes Carolyn, thankyou for all your hard work. It's great to have the opportunity to be among such a talented 'Tag Team'. I don't know why but I can't hear any music playing. I have checked and the sound on my computer is working.

  4. Thank you for organising this..I may miss the odd tag but I'm really enjoying the challenge.
    Hugs xx

  5. Love doing the challenge too, and even if some themes aren't 'mine' - it's a challenge. I don't think you need worry about the background music, if someone doesn't like it the speakers can be turned off! I think it's nice to have a bit of mood music! Valerie

  6. Further to my previous comment 'I can hear you loud and clear' Loving the music.

  7. Thank you Carolyn. Everyone who takes part in these challenges gains a great deal I'm sure. I agree that everyone here is so kind and supportive. I appreciate it so much. I shall be in Cornwall all next week, I know you approve of that!!
    Fond regards

    Pat x

  8. I do Pat ... what part are you visiting? Hope you have a wonderful time in Cornwall. I'm finally back "working" again next week after a hectic summer socialising ;o)

    Carolyn x

  9. I'm glad to have the chance to thank you for keeping TT going! Love your themes! It's always fun to see the new ones listed. Thanks for a bang-up job! I usually work from an ipad so don't hear music. Gee, what am l missing?! Thanks again!

  10. Aah Carolyn, visiting beautiful Cornwall is such a thrill. we are staying with friends in Kingsand but last year we had a fabulous week in St Ives.
    When we are all together we make a point of coming to St Ives one morning for breakfast overlooking the sea.
    Heaven on toast!
    Pat x

  11. Hi Carolyn :-D Thank you so much for the challenges, they have been so very good for me. I was just saying to someone the other day that although I still lack lots of confidence I can see how my efforts have come on since my first 'Purple' tag. I get sooo much inspiration from what I see on here and appreciate every single, generous comment I get. What a sooper-dooper bunch of taggers there are around here :-D
    I would like to echo Arnoldo's offer of 'If there's anything I can do...'
    Loving the background sounds you add btw :-D Hugs, Mo xx

  12. Carolyn, I just want to say ...Thank you. Thank you for hosting this blog....Thank you for letting me be part of it... thank you for stretching my mind every week...thank you for letting me meet (blog wise) a great bunch of artists... and finally, Thank you for sharing your creativity by making this blog so beautiful, plus the music! hugs x

  13. I absolutely love the music!! It catches me off guard on occasion,because usually I have my sound off! I love this group and thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me be a part of it. Lately this is all the art I get to do, but the small size of it makes it doable and the topics stretch my creative muscles!
    Thank you so very very much,
    Big hugs to you,

  14. Thank you Carolyn for keeping us all inspired and making the blog look and sound great. I am really enjoying the weekly challenge as well as keeping my tag books up to date. My tag creations are always a talking point with friends. It is always a treat to settle in front of laptop with a cup of tea and see what ideas everyone else has come up with. Keep up the Good Work, Jane xx

  15. Carolyn, your work in creating the challenges and doing the work maintaining the blog are so appreciated. I have been able to grow as an artist and actually document that growth by doing these lovely, fun and challenging tags every week. Without you and Tag Tuesady, I believe that I would have probably gone along never really knowing that I could actually draw and without realizing that my artistic ability was actually more than just the ability to sometimes make cute stuff for the kids' parties. Exposure to some of the others' massive talents is often humbling but I keep learning and growing, trying new techniques because of the incredible art produced in these tiny little treasures. Thank you SO much!

  16. I am relatively new to the fab Tag Tuesday gang but I wanted to say thank you Carolyn for every bit of fun I have had. I love all the themes and seeing how many wonderful ways they are interpreted each week. You have gathered together a wonderful bunch of artists and people. I count myself very honoured to be part of your fabulous blog. It is why every Tag Tuesday post I link from my blog to yours. I want to share the inspiration and encouragement I have enjoyed with as many folk as I can.
    Thank you again Carolyn - sending you a big virtual hug ;-)


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