Tuesday, 30 October 2012


I suppose I'm perpetuating  the mythology of cats being associated with witches and evil doings, but oh well...The expression on the lower kitty just had to be included in this tag. I love cats REALLY! If you like cats too, and haven't seen the dvd "Cat Woman" by Joanna Lumley, it would be worth your while requesting it for Christmas. 

Then I made some more!


  1. Sweet kitties with a spooky twist.
    Hugs Mrs A.

  2. Wooo you have been busy Judy! that 1st tag is very spooky! I think my fav is the last one on the right love the little ghost and the bat :)

  3. spookily cool! I love the kitty ones best :o)

  4. Brilliant tags Judy! My fave is the one with the owl, he looks suitably scared ;))

  5. Lovely tags, The kitten one is very spooky! I like the colours of the others.
    Jane x

  6. What fabulous and fun tags you've made - they are all great and your cat pics are so cute!

  7. Oh my goodness, those cats look so mean, I wouldn't want to cross their paths. Yikes, I would expect the one on the left turning into an ugly old witch at any moment. Shudder.

  8. Darn, forgot to say I love the others as well, especially the last one with the cute ghost.

  9. Love the kitty tags. Are they yours? My black cat donated fur for my tag this week!

  10. You've had spooky fun this week! lovely fun tags,love the cats, Jane xx

  11. Great tags, Judy - those little kittens look too sweet to be spooky.

  12. Wonderful tags Judy, love the spooky cats they are so cute.


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