Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Seeds, Pods and Seedheads

I thought about all of the seeds and seed pods that I like, from milkweed, which attracts and feeds monarch butterflies to hedge apples, the ugly, green, brainy looking balls. I just couldn't figure out what to do with them. Then, I was sitting by one of the lakes in our neighborhood, admiring the cattails and realized that cattails are actually seed pods, too. So, here's my tag. I painted the background,  and then drew and cut out the dark brown background cattails. To make the cattails in the foreground, I cut cattails out of a rusty brown suede paper and glued then to thin sticks from a tree. I made them pop out by mounting them with a couple of layers of thick double stick tape. I finished by mounting the tag on burlap. No special techniques, but I like the tag!


  1. I like the tag, too! Isn't it great to be inspired by your own environment. You've done a splendid job recreating these cattails.

  2. Very nice! Love the burlap-- great effect!

  3. Love the colours and the choice of seed pods! Great tag. x

  4. Great tag! I would never have thought of these as seed pods :)

  5. Very clever - that suede paper is the perfect texture - great effect :o)

  6. Lovely tag...I wouldn't of thought of using cattails...fab choice!

  7. Well done Martha, great tag

  8. Great idea, lovely colours and textures, Jane xx

  9. Fantastic tag, so beautiful.

  10. wonderful design, love your use of burlap

  11. great tag - love the burlap background (guess we call it hessian) well done! Carolyn x

  12. Pretty scene you made, could be from right out my window, I live on Hidden Pond Lane, and can see the pond and cattails from my front window.

  13. Love the hessian background for the tag. Sets the seed pods of perfectly. Hugs Mrs A.


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