Friday, 30 November 2012

Keeping Warm

Bonjour everyone!  Apologies for such a simple tag this week - I have had no time spare at all - was talked into having a stall next week at a local Christmas craft fair and so have been busy making things for that - never done this before so I'm quite nervous about it and scared stiff that no-one will buy anything!!  However I came across this image of such a pretty lady wrapped up warm in her fur hat and scarf so thought I would share her with you.  My ink cartridge is on the way out so the image isn't very clear.  Oh dear, seem to be doing nothing but apologising this week - enough!!!   Have a great week.  Love to everyone.  Carolyn x


  1. Simple is a very handsome woman on a very prettily coloured tag with pretty ribbon and snowflakes :0) Mo x

  2. Beautiful tag! Good luck with your craft show, I am sure you will sell loads....Hugs, Valerie

  3. Glad you made this, it makes me feel warmer looking at it x

  4. Gorgeous tag! Good luck at the fair!

  5. I love the frosty feel of your tag. Blessings!

  6. Gorgeous tag - I love the image, and I love the delicate shading around the edge that just matches the colours of her coat and rose - very prettily done!

  7. A lovely warm and cosy image, pretty border punch and snowflake make a nice contrast, good luck with the craft fair, Jane xx

  8. It looks lovely in the sepia stlye that your printer has produced even if not intentional. Hugs Mrs A.

  9. Very pretty, love the rosy glow - good luck with your stall :o)

  10. Gorgeous vintage image and the printer gave your tag a lovely misty finish.

  11. She is so beautiful, I love this tag and the subtle colors.


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