Friday 22 February 2013

G is for Gigha

This is the beautiful Isle of Gigha, after which I am named.  It's a small Hebridean island off the west coast of Scotland. A 20 minute ferry ride will take you to this beautiful, island with soft  sandy beaches and a mild climate and higher than average sunshine.
Gigha has a long history, having been inhabited continuously since prehistoric times and is the ancestral home of Clan MacNeill. It fell under the control of the Norse and the Lords of the Isles before becoming incorporated into modern Scotland and saw a variety of conflicts during the medieval period.
I first visited the island way back in 1987.  Last June we spent a week camping on Gigha and enjoying the Isle of Gigha Music Festival as part of our 2000 mile UK tour in our 1974 Volkswagen.

Scottish Mist


  1. How great to use your name! Interesting too! Well done!

  2. Very interesting, love the photo's and the glimpse of your van - we have a 63 split screen called Bertinna! Great tag. X

  3. It looks to be a wonderful place! Valerie

  4. What a beautiful place to be named after Gigha. You made me want to take up camping with your photos.

  5. Fabulous tag and so cool its based on your name. xx

  6. Gorgeous little tag - I love blue and green together - and so interesting to be named after such a picturesque island. I love the VW - they are great fun to go camping in aren't they!

  7. Wonderful tag and fab idea to use your name - not many of us taggers can do that! Haha :0) Mo

  8. Thhe Island looks very unspoilt. how lovely to have been named after one.
    hugs Mrs A.

  9. Lovely to hear about the origins of your name, the photos are beautiful too, Jane xx


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