Tuesday, 9 April 2013

N is for .......

.......not a lot of stitches beginning with the letter 'N' !
so like 'M' I opted to dedicate my tag to a type of needlework

In 'Needlepoint'

if you have visited my blog lately you may have read the post that saw the beginnings of this tag
where I set myself a bit of a challenge.
Click here to read about it > Painting on needlepoint canvas in miniature 
It's ok for a first attempt I think,

I would have liked to have got more detail into it, but that's difficult when restricted to canvas, and I suppose that was the challenge.

I have been away for a couple of days to my Mums, I took this with me to work on and just arrived back home with enough time to assemble my tag and get it photographed to upload this evening.
I'm looking forward to seeing all your N tags.
 A big thanks also to everyone who left such lovely comments on my Mountmellick Moth tag,
 you are all so kind x


  1. Fantastic! Great technique for dollhouse art, pillows, etc!

  2. B e a u t i f u l !

  3. Another beautiful tag, I admire all of you who do such lovely embroidery! Valerie

  4. Another beautiful tag for your collection! Carolyn xx

  5. Love your embroidery, so delictae.

  6. WooHoo, you finished it! And what a beauty it is too! All those teeny stitches and the colours are just wonderful! :0) Mo x

  7. I love this series of tags Yvonne. Another master piece. The tiny needle point is fab.

  8. Stunning needlework... Beautiful colours... Love it!! Hugs May x x x

  9. Lovely to see the finished Needlepoint Nest. It has turned out really well.
    Jane x


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