Wednesday 12 June 2013

W is for Wendy's Wonderful Wagon

Welcome!  This is Wee Wendy Welsh, Who's Wistfully Waiting for Whitney, Who Whispered she'd come Wander around With her in her Wonderful Wagon on Wednesday.  LOL!  I hope you enjoy my tribute to the letter W, and if you want to learn about how I made it, please visit my blog.  Blessings!

PS - I learned today that "wagon" is spelled with a double "g" in Britain.  How do you spell it in other English speaking countries?  I have a love for learning!


  1. Very cute! Every kid should have a red wagon. Like the buttons too.

  2. That's a real tongue twister of a w! I think you can spell wagon either way here! I'd opt for one g. I like the buttons too!

  3. Lovely tag, with lots of inventive 'w's - in Germany waggon or wagon is spelled 'Wagen', like in 'Volkswagen', and 'Waggon' is a train carriage - 'Eisenbahnwaggon' Valerie

  4. A super quirky tag, Arnoldo! Wagon is also french for wagon - one of the very few words that begin with w in french - only half a page entry in my big dictionary for w and most of those words have been adopted from english! Carolyn x

  5. Love this... the detail is amazing.. Love the image, buttons, colours...Love it all... Hugs May x x x

  6. Love the illustration and the way you have framed it. I'm in the UK and I would have spelt it "wagon" too, so I checked my trusty Oxford English Dictionary and that has it spelt both ways - under "waggon" it says "see "wagon". The English language can be so inconsistent! :o)x

  7. You complimented my alliteration not long ago Arnoldo, so it gives me great pleasure to say, "Back atcha", lol.
    I hope Anil doesn't think you're afections are divided, but Wendy & her Wagon, (I've never used two w's), are wealy Wonderful :0))

  8. Oooh, that tag brings back wonderful memories of my childhood with two younger brothers. I love it!

  9. sweet tag :) I love those little waggons that the kids have in USA, they are not so common in the UK.

  10. Wonderful, I love the cluster of buttons and the ribbons/bow on top; I'm in Britain and would write wagon! Jane xx

  11. Wonderful wagon tag, Arnoldo! (I am not sure about the spelling, I think in the UK it is spelled either way)
    Jane x

  12. Great tag! love the buttons on the top :)


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