Tuesday 25 February 2014

Pleats, Folds and Tucks

Since I didn't make a tag for the "Insects" theme last week, I merged the theme into this week's tag through the use of origami.  This ancient paper art form certainly makes use of a plenty of "pleats, folds and tucks."  LOL!

I began my tag design by making an origami bumble bee using a sheet of paper that had a solid and print side. I glued some gem eyes to my bee for added interest and a bit of spark.  Next, I embroidered a flowery border along the bottom of the Kraft card stock tag base, and attached the bee above it with a strip of foam.  As a finishing touch, I tied a polka dotted strip of ribbon in coordinating colours to the top.

I had fun mixing the patterns in this tag, and hopefully you will enjoy them too.  I can't wait to see what everyone else came up with.  Have a blessed week!


  1. Terrific folding and it made a gorgeous tag

    Love Chrissie x

  2. What a fun tag, love your butterfly and a great idea to incorporate it in too! ~Diane

  3. It's a wonderful tag Arnoldo. Well done

  4. Very very clever Arnoldo. Bravo!! I think your bee is wonderful I admire your origami folding very much :o)

  5. It took me a few seconds to see the bee but when I did it is beautiful Arnoldo!The little echoes of blue set the whole tag off a treat!

  6. Great idea! Your origami bee is delightful ! I don't think I have seen one of those before!
    Jane x

  7. brilliant combining of the two themes. to beautiful effect! xo

  8. Great idea, beautifully made. Love the colour combination.

  9. Love your quirky bumblebee!! Great tag. Carolyn xx


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