Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Out of Comfort Zone

Hi All. Hope your week has gone well. I was away last week in Llandudno and we had a super time there. I didn't get to post my Arrows tag so I will add it on this post first. Just looked through all the others and they are terrific.

I thought of cupid and his arrows to the hearts of lovers.

I would love to be able to do this sort of pose but it is well out of my comfort zone for sure. Can't wait to see what everyone makes

Have a great week

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Fun tags Chrissie! Yes, that pose is not quite what I would call comfort zone, either! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Excellent tags Chrissie. Your arrows tag with target is an excellent take on the prompt and the yoga? Not for me either, haha. :o))

  3. Bull's eye with the arrow tag , great idea and a fun tag ..Now the second tag ... maybe if I were against a wall to prop me up I might hold this pose for maybe a second or two LOL so far out of my comfort zone too . Both great tags .
    hugs Shirley-Anne

  4. I love the quote and imagery combination you used for your arrows tag. As to the second tag, that yoga pose is definitely out of my comfort zone as well. Blessings!

  5. Awesome tags Chrissie! I like what you did with the arrow tag!

  6. Great tags, Chrissie! I actually do all my crafting whilst in the position illustrated on the second tag!!!!! lol
    Carolyn xx

  7. Super tags - love the arrows and bullseye! Yoga - not for me - I'd never get upright!

  8. Great tags, i can't use a bow and arrows or stand on my head.though.

  9. Both great tags, and the second is a great way to illustrate this week's
    Jane x

  10. Love the images on both your tags, Chrissie. Yes - well out of my comfort zone!


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