Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well. I sincerely hope that more people turn up to Tag Tuesday soon, the last weeks have been very sad, and I am not sure if it is worth keeping the blog going. What do you think?

Our theme this week at Tag Tuesday is Jewellery, and so I made a face on a large (8") tag and adorned her. I drew the face, stenciled the diamonds with worn Lipstick DI, and used the same ink to shade the edges and paint the face. I added some pearls for her jewelry, a rub on rose, and some ribbons and fibres for a quick and elegant hairdo.

Have a good week you all, take care,
and thanks for coming by!



  1. Fantastic tag Valerie, really very beautiful. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Valerie, I'd like to come back in.I have been absent for a while when life got very hectic!

  3. Lovely tag Valerie. I particularly like the face :D
    Personally I think it would be a shame to stop the blog; if only one person uses it as an outlet, then let it be. People dip in and out as time and life permits. I haven't participated for a few weeks but I update and comment as much as I can.

  4. Your tag is beautiful - I love the diamond stenciled background!! Great face and what a cool idea to use the fibers as her hair!!

  5. I love the artistry of this tag -- the partial face, the diamond shapes in the background, the bold color scheme. this is really a fantastic one. and her red pearls are awesome. I would not give up on the challenges. perhaps people have had busy summers? I am not always able to participate but I love being here. anyway, it is up to you -- I am sure running these things is no small amount of effort. in any event I deeply appreciate you! thank you for the chance to play along. xo

  6. A lovely tag, very clear and vibrant. I would not like to see the blog go as I love participating. The list at the side contains loads of people I have never seen on here, that is a shame. When the Summer is over I'm sure we will see more folks join in, I hope so.

  7. I love the highly stylized look of your portrait, and that hairdo with the ribbons and fibers was very clever. Although I don't get to participate in the blog's challenges on a regular basis, I do enjoy the themes and the camaraderie that I've developed with many of the members. Blessings!

  8. Beautiful tag Valerie! I love the face. I wish I had that talent. PLEASE keep the blog going. I've been quite busy too, but I always make the time to make my tags. Yes, I might post 3 in one week (my bad), but I've never missed a theme yet! I'm hoping with summer coming to a close, I'll be able to post one tag a week. Hopefully this will be my last week of posting multiple tags (keeping my fingers crossed!) This blog is so much fun and I love that it keeps the creative juices flowing. Thank you Valerie for letting all of us share our little pieces of art!

  9. scrapnbling30 August, 2015

    scrapnbling, ( Rosemary) thinks it would be a shame to wind up the blog.
    I have made a note of all the upcoming themes so I can get head of myself.

    I would be happy to assist with running the blog- be aware however that I am barely managing to maintain my own!!( tech wise).

    I am happy to help out if I can, perhaps if you send me clear instructions regarding the technology side of things.

    I have 2 tech minded young people but they don"t have the patience for my late 50's brain!!

    You can contact me though my blog, scrapnbling on blogger(I think!?) or facebook. Otherwise my email is rosemaryhanson@bigpond.com
    I would love to help and I might learn some new skills!

  10. I have been missing in action for a couple of weeks due to Life in general but will be back soon .
    Love the hair and bling necklace for this fab tag .
    All tags posted are inspirational .
    hugs Shirley-Anne


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