Tuesday, 15 September 2015

White Space

White Space

I am rolling out a tag I am proud to have created about 18 months ago; just so I have something to share for the first time in ages.

I have enjoyed seeing all your works and look forward to seeing your white spaces this week too. 
Thanks for looking
Take Care, Be Happy
{{Hugs}} Mo :o) x


  1. Beautiful tag, nice to see you playing again. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Gorgeous tag Moe! I love the foliage!

  3. so pretty and lovely in its many dimensions! xo

  4. Pretty foliage and texture.love this tag.

  5. Embossing and die cuts ....beautifully applied in your white on white tag! It would be such a wonderful gift tag for a wedding!

  6. A really beautiful tag, Mo! Lovely to see you back.
    Carolyn xx

  7. What a beauty, Mo, it must have taken you ages to make this tag, but it was so well worth it, it really is stunning. And it took you 18 months to show it, lol?


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