Monday, 2 November 2015


Good evening!  I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!  Here is my tag for "Spooky."  Michael Myers the mass murderer from the "Halloween" movie franchise, is the spookiest guy around in my opinion.  Below Spooky is my tag for "Trees."  My favorite tree is the Live Oak that grows in the coastal areas of Texas, Louisiana and southeastern part of the United States.  The Live Oak is a beautiful, old and majestic tree made even lovelier when the Spanish Moss, hanging from it's branches is blowing in the warm, southern breeze.


  1. Bothe tags are stunning! Can't get more iconic than Myers here.

  2. Hi Kelly, ooh very spooky, spine chilling tag, and classic tree tag.

  3. Wonderfully spooky and juicy! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Stunning tags and the spooky one is certainly that

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Your spooky tag is very spooky. I think I would die of fright if I were made to watch those films. Not for me, at any price.
    Now your tree tag, is fabulous and much more calming, lol :D

  6. Two terrific tags, both with wonderful details!!! (I tried to watch the Halloween movie this year - MM is so spooky, I turned the channel!)

  7. oooh Kelly--spooky indeed! Lovely tree tag, though!


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