Tuesday, 17 January 2012

White~Snow Rose Tag

Snow Rose
Perfect tag for the weather. Snowing, blowing, and all around Michigan winter. Cardboard tag gessoed. Rose made from paper towel and tissue paper sewn in a circluar pattern. Two flowers put together and the edges turned up with a little Sierra Chalk to define the shape. (The sewing is new to me. I used my mom's old Singer portable. Just great for going through layers. No fancy stitches or attachments.) Old button with sparkle added. Leaves cut from card stock, scored... same glitter. Tissue folded into a fan at the top. Around the outside is what I think is blanket edging. Topped with old lace and a little recycled tag. Loved this challenge and love all of the inspiring artwork. You guys ROCK!


  1. This is beautiful - I love the different textures and that you tried a new technique. xx

  2. i love love this, you nailed the white with lots of beautiful texture and your flower is gorgeous...

  3. Your tag is so beautyful!

  4. Your snow rose is Gorgeous!! Love it!! :)

  5. Sooooo Beautiful, love the rose, May x

  6. This is a beautiful tag.love the flower, and so many great textural effects.I'm off to try some textural backgrounds too. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Your flowers are gorgeous and the effect is totally spelll binding. Hugs Mrs A.

  8. A fabulous rose - keep on with the sewing, you have done something stunning with your mum's machine!

  9. I would have never guessed that the beautiful rose was made from a paper towel and kitchen paper, it is gorgeous!

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE that flower! How effective. Gorgeous tag.

  11. Very beautiful, the flower is gorgeous.

  12. I love your tag--the rose, especially--you are so talented!

  13. A special tag, such a wonderful idea.


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