Tuesday 24 April 2012


Here is my purple tag. When I got thinking about purple, I thought about an exotic make-up look based around purple so that's what I've done! I even used make-up to create the tag. The face is coloured very pale with watercolour pencils. The details were drawn in with black pencil. The eyeliner, eye shadow and lipstick are all from my make-up bag. (I have to say I don't often go out looking like this, although I did have purple streaks in my hair until a couple of months ago. I still miss them!)
I chose green for the eye colour as I thought it would contrast well with the purple. For the hair I mixed black and purple and added a slight sheen with a gel pen. I did the same for the pattern in the lower corner. I added a button to my ribbon which I think looks really elegant.


  1. Oh my lordy!What a great tag.So dramatic and original. Gee I love looking at all the tags each week!!

  2. She looks like one of the flapper girls. Well done Jo it's great.
    One I Made Earlier Today

  3. Lovely!, like your idea of using make up to colour

  4. Very striking tag. Love it!
    p.s. envious of your purple streaks too!

  5. Inspiring medium to use, make-up, and used to great effect. I love that the button also looks like an eye

  6. A very original looking tag. I love the way you have used make up I would have thought the result would have been quite harsh but the effect is very subtle.Lovely!

  7. This is so clever, using actual make up. Great tag.

  8. Such a lovely and original idea - a very sophisticated tag - I love it!

  9. Very clever interpretation, love it! X

  10. Beautiful..what a fab idea to use make-up to colour your tag :)
    Jan x


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