Tuesday 24 April 2012


I firstly had to show you my purple stash of craft stuff.
My craft drawers are kept in colours.
So I just pulled the whole draw out to see what I could make.
It did pull me out of my comfort zone both with colour and materials.
This is what emerged
Another Doodly Bird. 
The others looked at him as if he was a budgie that had escaped from its cage.
I had to remove him quick for fear of him being attacked by the little monsters.
Have a look on my blog to see the biscuit Doodlies that my lovely neighbour Amy made me.


  1. Oh Lynn, I love this tag. I popped over and saw your blogpost.Those biscuits..so cute!!

  2. P.S. I meant to say, what a great idea to organise embellishing bits by colour.Hmmm...Gives me an idea!

    1. It's a quick way of colour matching Judy

  3. Great little tag Lynn, nice textures, I always sort by colour it makes things so much easier to find at a glance!

  4. What a fun tag! Love that doodly bird. xx

  5. Such a darling birdie, admiring you great flowers

  6. Really cute! Will peek at your blog!

  7. Love all the different textures and of course it goes without saying, your doodly bird!

  8. What an adorable whimsical birdie! Great idea to have your craft stash colour coordinated.

  9. Love that stash, and another cheery doodly bird to keep us all smiling! Great!
    I'll be writing to you soon, Connie, x

  10. I love that shade of purple you used for the background and how all the colours blend so well with it. The little crochet flower with that sweet little button in it is gorgeous and would make a lovely brooch.

  11. I wondered what you would do, and you haven't disappointed! It's a lovely tag x

  12. Great little story, love the crochet flower, Jane xx

  13. Great stash of purple goodies!...Your doodly bird looks very happy by the crochet flower!
    Jan x


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