Thursday 26 April 2012



 This tag was a very difficult one for me because ideas 
were scarce to nonexistent. I decided to look up
 the meaning of the word Purple , it said.

"Purple is Royalty.                   
A mysterious color,  it is associated with both nobility and spirituality. 
    The opposites of hot red and cool blue combine to create 
this intriguing color."

Then I had my idea. I took a picture that I had taken last summer of a close up of beautiful purple hydrangea and  put the meaning of Purple on in. Then I decided that I had to put my dedication on my tag because otherwise the crown and "sister" would make no sense. The crown is for Royalty (God, my King), and the sister is spirituality. I took a portion of the picture, reprinted it and cut out a bloom (twice) and then put foam tape under the leaves to give it some dimension. The photo doesn't show it but it looks very dimensional and nice! 

My beloved sweet sister, Martham, had surgery today. I rejoice that our prayers have been answered and the surgery went well. Please join me in praying for a speedy recovery for her

Wishing you all a wonderfully creative week!  
Best, Mary Ann


  1. So glad the surgery went well, beautiful tag to make for the occasion x

  2. The purple hydrangea makes a beautiful background, stunning! Jane xx Give our love to Martham. Jane xx

  3. What a beautiful and thoughtful tag you have created. I love it.

    Pat x

  4. Fab the crown.
    Glad to hear that your sisters surgery went well :)
    Jan x

  5. A great photo for the background. Hope your sister is recovering well.

  6. Stunning little tag Mary Ann,I love the flower cuttings and your idea to raise & layer the image works well! sending prayers for a speedy recovery to Martham x

  7. I love this exquisite tag, BBS! Do I get to keep it? Thanks to everyone for the get well wishes.


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