Thursday 26 April 2012


Hi everybody, Valerie here. Not had a good week till now, my blood pressure is still way to high, and I have been having a lot of dizzy spells. Apart from that, I'm just fine! I have made 2 tags, with all the lilac/lavender/purple bits and bobs that I still had flying about on my working space. I am not too happy with them, but i don't have the energy to do anything else just now. Linking to Tag Tuesday
Have a good week, and thanks for looking!


  1. So sorry you're not feeling good Valerie..sending ***sparkles***.
    I love your tags - so pretty and, as you know, purple is one of my favourite colours.
    Take care of yourself.
    Hugs xx

  2. Do take care Valerie, and get well soon. Your tag is lovely, good medicine to make something so pretty x

  3. Being creative is the greatest medicine. Well done Valerie. Get well soon.
    One I Made Earlier Today

  4. Hope you are feeling better now Valerie, I love your posy of daisies, pretty purple tags, Jane xx

  5. I agree with Lynn, being creative and distracting yourself when you are 'poorly' is very useful. You certainly did some very pretty and creative distracting here.

    Pat x

  6. Sooo pretty..I love using up all the little bits and pieces lying around the desk....just great for tags! did a fab job Valerie!
    ...and I hope you feel better very soon! Sending get well wishes your way!
    Jan x

  7. Hope you are soon feeling better. Very pretty tags inspite of being under the weather.

  8. Hi Valerie, I dont know what your not happy with, both of these tags are so pretty! The daisy one is my favourite. Hope your feeling better x


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