Thursday 19 April 2012

Water Misting

I've been clearing out my studio space so have been quiet here, but have been checking in to see the lovely creations. While sorting through a stack of long forgotten papers, I came across an advertisement for HERO art stamps and it gives instructions for 'water misting.' This was a tag in the making (with literally no input from me!!) so I am showing you how easy it was to make.
Instructions for the technique read as follows: 1. choose a design with a flat rubber surface. Floral images are an especially good choice. 2. 'paint' directly onto rubber using ink cubes (stamp pads) and your fingertips, or a brush. Use one or more shades of a colour for a blended effect. 3. Mist rubber with water and stamp directly onto paper. Mist again for a lighter impression. [note that I have used my own description above] When I have more 'play' time, I'm going to try this technique. Nice to see you all again, *smiles* Norma


  1. Love this technique, must give it a try! Valerie

  2. so cool and so clever!

  3. I have one of these stamps in my collection. I shall have a play tomorrow, thanks for info! X

  4. Thanks for the tip Norma, I will have a go with this technique tomorrow, I love experimenting with methods that give surprising results, Jane xx

  5. What a clever technique.Looks really effective. Would make great backgrounds too.

  6. Lovely tag, great technique! Thanks for sharing the method, it's definitely one to try!

    Jane x

  7. Stunning .... and thanks for sharing the technique ;-)

  8. It looks a bit a bit like when you blow paint on paper through a straw.
    Lovely effect Norma.

  9. What a lovely tag. I can't wait to try that technique out.Thanks for sharing it with us.

  10. Love this technique...fab tag.
    Jan x

  11. Wow beautiful thanks for the little tutorial there too!

  12. Great tag, very clear watercolour flowers from this technique. Well done.


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