Wednesday 27 June 2012


"Otter was in the middle of telling them a story about Toad - and beginning to feel a bit peckish again - when suddenly he saw a juicy mayfly.  With hardly a splash, he was gone."

Bonjour!  May tag happened almost by accident this week.  I went into the garage to unpack another box from England (yes, STILL unpacking!) and the first thing I pulled out of the first box was a copy of the Wind in the Willows - a book I didn't even realise I had!  So I scanned the lovely picture of Otter, added some silver net and a beaded dragonfly that I made ages ago and wondered what to do with, and there it was - this week's tag!  Will come back later in the week and have a proper look at all the lovely things you have created.  A beintot!  Carolyn x


  1. I love this dragonfly, beautifully made! Good luckwith your unpacking, I hope you unearth a lot more treasures. x

  2. Lovely tag.Your dragonfly is great.If you keep things long enough they will always come in handy.

  3. I love your dragonfly. His wings are amazing. Blessings!

  4. Love that dragonfly, and Wind in the Willows is always good! Valerie

  5. Stunning dragonfly, love your tag.

  6. Hope you are soon settled and how lovely to find your book.
    Your tag is so lovely Carolyn
    Lynn & The Doodly Birds

  7. Oh this is lovely the background picture is great and what a fab dragonfly!

  8. Perfect timing! Beautiful beaded dragonfly and the diamante on the tiny one is a lovely touch too, Jane xx

  9. Love this dragonfly.This week there are so many gorgeous tags!!

  10. Simply beautiful - so gentle and pretty, I just love this tag.

  11. I love the blue you have chosen!

  12. I am so glad you didn't illustrate your quote exactly! :-) Who could eat such a beautiful dragonfly? Love the delicate colours you have used too x

  13. Gorgeous tag! Spontaneity really worked here- a great way to create.
    Jane x

  14. A favourite book of mine, and a great interpretation!

  15. You have created such a visually beautiful and charming scene from a favourite story

  16. You have created such a visually beautiful and charming scene from a favourite story

  17. Oh what a wonderful tag!


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