Wednesday 27 June 2012


   My tag is called Moon River. It's a combination of painting, creating foliage with molding paste, cutting a tiny sailboat from heavy black paper and assembling them all in a frame that creates a shadowbox on the tag.
    I grew up in a river city where one of summer's greatest pleasures was going to our neighbor's river camp, floating on tire tubes, jumping off docks, running barefoot and usually unsupervised all day. When we were hungry we would run into the little concrete floored, cinder block house and grab a coke out of the huge cooler full of water, ice chunks and drinks, stuff a sandwich down our throats and run back down to the river to play - doing everything we could to avoid the attention of our card playing parents. It was time to go home when the big old moon rose over the river. We'd tumble into the back seat of the car, too tired to even care that one of our siblings were in the window seat when it wasn't their turn. By the time we reached home, all of us were asleep from the drone of the car and the long sunny day.
   When I saw Breakfast at Tiffany's and first heard Henry Mancini's song Moon River, it immediately became my favorite song. Even now, when I hear those first strains of "Moon river, wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style some day...", my heart soars and summers past return.
   Here's a link to the song:


  1. Hi Martham - I wish I could have been there it sounds idyllic. Exactly how childhood should be spent. Beautiful tag and a beautiful Tale of the Riverbank!

    I can play Moon River on the saxophone I love playing it but you definitely would not like to hear it!!:-)

  2. By the way, I may have the lyrics wrong...I know one line of lyrics from every song ever written...but that one line probably has an error in it!

  3. Wonderful - I love that song too and your tag is perfect

  4. Wonderful tag, I think I will be humming the song all day! Valerie

  5. Lovely tag and tale that goes with it, I was transported there with you. I think probably everyone has heard that song and I will be humming along with Valerie :0)

  6. What a lovely set of memories, your tag is beautiful but the story outside the frame enhances it! x

  7. A great tag, capturing lovely memories, I think we'll all be singing moon river today! Jane xx

  8. What a lovely atmospheric tag I love the colour.

  9. I love your childhood story and tag. Blessings!

  10. Very nice!! Such rich color!

  11. What a wonderful story to go along with a serene tag. Love it!

  12. A great tag and enjoyed reading to the inspiration behind it.

  13. I LOVE this tag with all the Moon River associations.When I was 16 I was allowed to go to a church dance, and they played this tune every week.Gosh so many memories.
    Several years ago, an announcer played a different version of Moon River.I had no idea there were so many different renditions of this wonderful song.
    'Tanks for de memories!
    Judy xx

  14. Wonderful song, wonderful stories and wonderful tag! I just love it!

  15. Lovely tag and story behind it! The colour combination is wonderful.
    Jane x

  16. Oh no, here I am, bursting into song at the top of my voice, singing Moon River...... oops. The tag is quite wonderful, and I am so glad you shared the story behind it with us.

  17. Great tag, love the moon's face!

  18. Thanks for sharing the beautiful story which inspired this beautiful tag - so peaceful and idyllic.

  19. Oh a fantastic tag..inspired by such wonderful memories...Simply gorgeous!!


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