Tuesday 26 June 2012


After a few weeks of paper based tags I was keen this week to get back into stitching. I was inspired by a photo in my local paper of a beautiful kingfisher taking absolutely no notice of the 'no fishing'sign. As you can see my finished tag is mainly wooden, but that's not how it started off.
I started my tag by photocopying the photo onto silk (using freezer paper ironed onto silk and cut to A4 size - try this at your own risk, it can mess up your printer!). I touched up the image with marker pens but didn't get around to fixing the colours with the iron.  I then embroidered my little kingfisher, and thank goodness took this photo.  Just minutes later disaster struck.  My dog, Bailey, barked suddenly, making me jump while I was drinking my tea.  Tea was everywhere and embroidery completely soaked.
 After mopping up as best  I could I tried to cover up the worst of the marks with a fish but it was looking rather bleak!  A design modification was called for.  I decided to cut out the embroidered kingfisher and let him perch on a real no fishing sign. 
The sign is wood which I have painted and rubbed with wax crayon to bring out the grain.  The post is made from thick taffeta ribbon painted to match, leaves are cut from green silk.  Kingfisher is a bit green around the gills! but all things considered it didn't turn out so bad.
Here is the culprit! Or should I be thanking her for making me change direction?

Thank you for all your lovely comments, especially about the calligraphy.  I'll be round soon to see what antics you have all been having on the river!
Bye for now, Jane xx


  1. What a rascally rascal - but a GORgeous rascal! My friend has three Borders and they are all beauties.
    Your tag is very unusual, very well done and the Kingfisher stitching is awesome. :0)

  2. Hi Jane so glad you managed to rescue your kingfisher from the edge of disaster! He is gorgeous. He looks like he has real feathers.

  3. I LOVE this tag. I think that your "calligraphy" looks quite authentic.
    Your embroidering skills are beyond wonderful. I have a big boy Border Collie - aren't they wonderful dogs? Ours has one blue eye and one brown eye.

  4. It still looks beautiful - your 4 footed friend was just encouraging you to go new ways! He joined in this week! Valerie

  5. Oh bless, my cats are always up to mischief with my knitting and sewing threads! Never mind, the end result is fabulous! x

  6. Glad you rescued the kingfisher he is gorgeous. He looks good sitting on the post. Great idea.

  7. I am a firm believer in the fact that accidents are opportunities for innovation. Although I'm sure it was stressful and perhaps painful at the time, you can now thank your beautiful dog. Blessings!

  8. What fabulous enbroidered kingfisher, and although it was not how you had intended it to be when you started creating it, it has turned out brilliantly

  9. Great tag Jane, love the contrast of the stitched kingfisher and the wooden sign

  10. I love this one Jane!Stitching is great.

  11. Your Kingfisher is a beauty - I love the stitching - so clever - and I love how you made a victory out of disaster!!!

  12. What a beautiful tag, Jane! I love the embroidered kingfisher.It all turned out well in the end. When I was doing my C & G textiles course I learned a textiles(fiber arts) saying :- "Oops..... that's better!" which I use a lot!

  13. Thank you for all your supportive comments. I have now forgiven Bailey. I had originally intended to do a fair bit of embroidery on the post and my 'design modification' probably saved me a lot of work. In the end I like the contrast between the stitching and the natural wood, so "THANK YOU BAILEY!"

  14. Oh bless that gorgeous doggie of yours, I think he nudged you in the right direction. The embroidered Kingfisher is amazing, and the whole tag turned out beautifully, even if it wasn't what you had in mind to start with. Give that dog a little treat, lol.

  15. A happy accident! My furry friend (a cat called Nelson) usually just contributes fur to my projects!

  16. Brilliant rescue - the tag is fantastic, so as often happens, serendipity!

  17. Your kingfisher is wonderful...and your finished tag is beautiful ..your gorgeous doggy deserves a treat for the little change of direction!! ;)


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