Tuesday 26 June 2012

Tales of the riverbank

Here is my take on this week's theme
I knew exactly what I wanted to do as soon as I saw the background picture, but from start to finish it changed several times. the reality doesn't always match up to the vision. I saw the miniature origami boat and so wanted to include it; then taking an acceptable picture was quite problematic with it being 3D. And whether to use a backdrop or keep it plain, as I ended up with, was also a puzzle. What do you think? I'm quite happy with the result but any critique for future reference is most welcome. 
Thank you to one and all for the fantastic comments again last week.
 I'm excited about seeing everyone else's 'Riverbank' tags as this week goes along.


  1. I think it worked out beautifully. I'm glad that you used the backdrop; it makes it look authentic. That is a darling little red boat and the dragonfly is lovely. 3D simply doesn't photograph well - I had a similar challenge photographing my tag.

  2. Great tag Mo, love the embellishments on the green backdrop! Valerie

  3. Great tag Mo, love the origami boat, bet that was fiddly! x

  4. Thank you for the lovely comments ladies :)
    The boat wasn't too difficult Barb because I used the foil from a chocolate liquor, so it was very easy to fold ;)

  5. That background is super and all the different elements look great.

  6. I love origami and photography, and believe you did a great job combining them into your tag. Blessings!

  7. Really interesting! Cool boat!

  8. The background image is great, I can see why you chose it. Love the way the raffia tie comes up lke reeds at the top, Jane xx

  9. Love this tag too. That little boat..everything!Love it.

  10. Thank you all, you are very kind. You all boost my confidence and give such great inspiration to me week after week *hug* :0) x

  11. This is fabulous - I love the 3D effect, such a clever idea and so very pretty. Just perfect for this weeks subject.

  12. This is a wonderful idea! I love the perspective so much!

  13. Hi Mo I love your little origami boat navigating the dangers of the giant water droplet! Great image made me wish I could take photos like that x

  14. I love 3D tags, yes, they are a challenge, but they look great! Your little boat really makes this tag special. Great tag.

  15. I love frogs, so I'm pleased to see Jeremy Fisher enjoying the river.

  16. Such a charming scene - the background is really great and the tag is just wonderful

  17. Oh this is wonderful Mo...loving the little 3d origami boat! :)


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