Friday 6 July 2012

At the seaside

Hi everyone!  Late with my tag this week as I've had eight house guests - our daughter with seven friends celebrating the end of four years at university together! - have to congratulate her on her first in Fashion Design (proud Mum!)  Therefore a simple tag - I remember several years ago going to Frinton and admiring the beach huts so this was my inspiration for this week.  Will return when I've tidied up and look at your lovely creations.  A bientot, Carolyn xx


  1. Gorgeous piece, love the beach huts! Valerie

  2. Fabulous colors! Eight house guests?? Aren't you brave!

  3. I love your beach houses. Found you throgh a rockette. Will def be back. Now a follower. jenx

  4. Congrats to your daughter, she must take after her mum! Lovely tag, beautiful colours. x

  5. Gorgeous colours and such an iconic image! Love it!

  6. Great colourful beach-huts. Congratulations to your daughter and her chums. Jane xx

  7. Sooo cute!! LOVe the embellishments, I'm having terrible trouble trying to find any sea relate items :)

  8. Well done to your daughter Carolyn and well done to you on the colours of your tag.
    Lynn & the Doodly birds x

  9. Lovely colourful tag Carolyn! Congratulations to you your daughter, my son too graduated on Thursday a proud feeling indeed :)

  10. Congratulations to your daughter! I love your little bright colored huts. Blessings!

  11. Love this tag it's so colourful.

  12. Adorable tag! Congrats to you and your family for your daughter's hard work!

  13. Congratulations to you your daughter and you!! LOVE your colourful beach huts...beautiful tag!

  14. Hi Carolyn enjoy your proud Mum moment and congratulations to your daughter! I too love beach huts what is it about them I wonder? I have those cute charms!

  15. Such a lovely tag - so original and I just LOVE the colours you chose - so vibrant and sunny. Gorgeous work!

  16. I think my favourite images of the seaside are beach huts . I love yours. Here is a link to some in Melbourne which I also love

  17. Great collage to create such a warm and carefree feel to this "holiday by the sea" tag!


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