Friday 6 July 2012

Seaside memories

Although I have lived by the sea for most of my life, I wasn't sure what to do for this tag. Then I remembered that Mum and Dad had a load of photos of seaside holidays from before we lived by the seaside. Last week was a 'big' birthday for me (40, but don't tell anyone!) and Dad had put together a series of photos to play on our digital photo frame. Thanks Dad! I've used three of them in my Seaside Memories tag.

I've made this a four layer tag.
 The top layer is some ink sketches of things I really associate with the seaside, including my orange bunny bucket, which I'm clutching in the top photo. I was about 1 in this picture and walking along Broadstairs seafront with my Dad and Nanny.
My sketches also included a cardigan, as I always seems to remember wearing a swimming costume and a cardigan on the beach. You can see this in the second photo where I'm building a sandcastle with my Dad and little sister, aged about 9.This is probably at Camber Sands. Sandcastles usually involved a moat which emptied as fast as you could fill it, but if you were lucky you could get your flipflops to float, they always reminded me of speedboats.
The final photo shows me aged about 15, now a seaside resident of Eastbourne, writing in a rare bit of sand. (Do I have to admit that I was writing Bros? That gives my age, and dodgy taste in music away completely!) I've included my cool shades from that picture in my sketches - I LOVED those shades so much.
Here's the tag all layered up with sand and blue ribbons and a white cardigan button, just to remind me!


  1. What lovely memories and captured beautifully in these tags Jo. x

  2. What a great little keepsake! How appropriate too! And don't think about your age-- it's all relative!

  3. Lovely idea. What a lovely way to remember fond childhood memories.

  4. A lovely set of seaside memories, seeing your white cardi button, I vividly remembered the hand knitted cardis we used to wear as children, Jane xx

  5. This is so sweet and a great keepsake :0)

  6. Don't they look fantastic on their own and then tied together and a lovely memory story too. Happy belated 40th Jo.
    Lynn & the Doodly birds xx

  7. Happy birthday - yes, life begins!! Great memory tags. The cardi was an indispensible item of clothing! Carolyn x

  8. Happy Birthday! What a sweet tag. All your photographs reflect such special moments, and your cover depicts the props that helped make those memories. This is truly a keepsake. Blessings!

  9. Precious memories. I love the way you composed your tag.

  10. Oh what wonderful Seaside memories! A fab keepsake tag Jo!! ..and a Happy Belated Birthday to you too! :)

  11. Belated Happy Birthday Jo! I love this memory tag. What a great idea. I too remember wearing a card with my cossie! I can't imagine going to the beach now if I though I would have to wear a card! Cossie might have to stretch a bit too - where is this global warning they keep talking about (won't mention Bros :-)

  12. Big congratulations on your 40th. I love the tags - such a wonderful collection of memories, and a lovely way to show them. I love hearing stories behind tags (shame about Bros but hopefully your taste has changed by now?!!!).
    Great work.

  13. How very special - and happy birthday wishes too. These images are so precious, and your own comments make them even more so


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