Saturday 7 July 2012

Seaside love

 Greetings from the Dallas - Ft. Worth metroplex, in Texas!  My family and I drove up on Wednesday afternoon to celebrate the 4th of July, as well as my mother and mother-in-law's birthdays.  We've thoroughly enjoyed ourselves as we've visited with family, old friends, and our old stomping grounds

Seaside Love
Mixed Media ATC Tag
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012

Thursday afternoon, as I was visiting with my mother, I painted this miniature piece.  I based it on a photograph that my oldest daughter took of my wife and me in 2008 during a Summer vacation at Mustang Island, Texas.  It's one of my favorite pictures!

I started off with a quick pencil sketch and inked it with a Sharpie micron pen.  Then, I did some quick water color washes.  When it was dry, I added some details with colored pencils and white gelato.  As a finishing touch, I sprayed it with a red dye mixture to give it a warm glow.  To turn the ATC into a tag, I edged it with a black stamp pad, made a whole at one end, and added some ribbon, fibers, and a strip of beaded wire.

I struggled with this piece and don't consider it my best work, but I like the tender composition by the seaside and the warm color scheme


  1. I think this is a lovely tag Arnoldo. I can hear the waves lapping the shoreline (courtesy of Carolyn) and feel the warm glow from the sun :0)

  2. I love it too Arnoldo, I'm glad you posted it. True art is about emotion not perfection, and this really captures your memory. Blessings to you. x

  3. I love this tag and it's interesting to hear the techniques used. I think it's a lovey little romantic scene.

  4. Very nice. Kind of Van Gough-ish to me. I like the way you photographed it too!

  5. Well I think it is lovely and captures the warmth of the seaside. I love the coast - it is my favourite place to be in any weather. jenx

  6. My blogger counter showed that you are post number 1000, isn't that grand. Perhaps you should buy us all cakes haha.
    Lovely seaside tag and write up.
    Lynn and the Doodly birds

  7. Amazing piece. Tender is the perfect word for it.

  8. Well...I think it is gorgeous Arnoldo...a beautiful scene, Loving the warmth the red dye mixture added, and the colouring is lovely..a wonderful tag!

  9. Love the warm glow of this piece.

  10. I think you have captured the romance of the moment perfectly Arnold. The final touch of pink reminds me of that perfect time of day when the beach becomes less busy and the heat of the day is gone. Time to sit and enjoy the moment.

  11. This is a beautiful tag - such a wonderful watercolour - so gentle and such a lovely feel to it. I really like the wash you gave it to give it the warm glow - it works very well. Just beautiful!

  12. How wonderful to recapture a happy moment! I love these small works of art - very special

  13. This is a lovely tag, Arnoldo. The loose drawing technique and colour scheme combine to make a perfect beach scene.
    Jane x


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