Monday 9 July 2012

Seaside and Riverbank

Summer is always busy but this year it is out of control busy but thank goodness for the heat wave (well at least for clearing up a chunk of time other then that it royally sucks) for all one can really do is stay indoors in the central air and occupy one's self. I took today to do a little catching up with Tag Tuesday, I missed last weeks deadline and I definitely wanted to do this week, but thanks to the heat they both got done, here is what I made:

tales of the riverbank

and this week's seaside tag

 Thanks again to Carolyn who hosts Tag Tuesday for such wonderful challenges!

See ya all,


  1. Both are "magic" tags . I particularly love the image of the bathing beauty with her high heels and stockings - such elegance at the beach and you have added to that with the perfect embellishments.

  2. Aw these are both great! The first is magical and the second as sassy as it gets!

  3. I like both tags, but am amused by all the detailing in the river one. Blessings!

  4. Beautiful tags, the river one is fantastic! Valerie

  5. The river bank is teeming with life, and I love your bathing beauty!

  6. Both tags are great and that bathing belle is looking a bit saucy.

  7. Lovely pair of tags, you have found great images! x

  8. Both tags are really stunning! Love those stockings!

  9. Both are lovely but I especially like the first one. jenx

  10. Such beautiful work! The first is a mega, "Awww" for me and the second is 'titter' behind the hand ;) Very burlesque - awesome! Love all the embellishments too :0)

  11. Your riverbank tag is beautiful. I what to live there

  12. Fab tags, Amy! Love the lady with the parasol. Carolyn x


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