Wednesday 11 July 2012


This week's theme was a challenge to start with, as I'm not really keen on swimming. Too much feeling cold for my liking, and I did think about doing a tag based on that. Then I remembered watching some old films as a child, with Esther Williams. She did Busby Berkeley numbers in a swimming pool, always smiling and always with immaculate red lipstick. I so wanted to swim like that, and look that glamorous, rather than coughing and spluttering and not liking water up my nose!
So here's my tribute to Esther Williams!
I copied a photo I found on the internet and coloured it using my favourite watercolour pencils. To create an underwater effect I used to tone of blue pencil and blue and silver gel pens in a zig zag across the picture. I think it works well to create a shimmery swimming pool effect. I made sure I used a pen for her red lips! I added film sprockets down the edges - completely the wrong number of them but it gives an 'effect'! Final touches - a chiffon ribbon and a pink flower to complement the bright yellow bathing suit, and Esther Williams, Swimming Super Star in the bottom right hand corner.

Here's the photo I used. I found it on this website.

There are loads more on this website. I especially like this one because of the lipstick! I don't look that elegant on dry land, let alone underwater!


  1. Great tag - I loved watching those Esther Williams movies and used to dream of being a glamourous swimmer like her.

  2. What a lovely little illustration.

  3. What a terrific idea! Some of those Esther water scenes are really something!

  4. Great tag, Jo. Didn't know about this lady - awesome! Carolyn x

  5. Great tag, love how you have done the watery background, too! Valerie

  6. I like how you have created the water effect, a clever tag.

  7. What a lovely tag - so delicately drawn and coloured. She was extremely elegant in the water (unlike me and my unco-ordinated splashing) and I remember my mum saying everyone wanted to swim like Esther Williams - or rather look that good in a swimsuit!

  8. Brilliant tag! I should like to know how to wear lippie not only in the water! I have never been able to wear it and look elegant! Lovely image x

  9. What a lovely tag Jo. I like how you have done the background.
    There is a lady near me who wears bright red lipstick when she is riding her horse. She looks quite jaunty sat high up with her pouting red lips.

  10. What a fantastic job you did with this. I love it :0)

  11. Fun tag, she was glam!

  12. What a glam your little tribute and how you have created the watery effect on your fab tag.

  13. How wonderful! Love the images.

  14. Cuando era chica en la tv daban una pelicula de Esther W. que me encantaba. La historia trataba de una competencia para cruzar nadando el canal de la mancha. en una parte de la pelicula, ella sueƱa algo, no recuerdo bien, en que aparecen Tom y Jerry (la caricatura) recuerdo que me encantaba esa pelicula!! y por supuesto verla nadar tambien.

  15. Lovely idea to have and Esther Williams tag. How on earth did she keep her lipstick on in the water!?
    Jane x

  16. What a great choice of theme for your tag Jo. I remember watching those movies and all the kaleidoscope shots of the synchronised swimmers! Your sketch is beautiful - great proportions too! (Wish I had them!! :-D)

  17. What a great idea. Cute tag.

  18. I loved her movies and I love this tag!


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