Wednesday 11 July 2012

Swimming- water babes.

I was given all my Great Aunts photos three years ago when she went into a are home, as she is blind and was going to throw them out.  Amongst them were these two photo's just right for this weeks theme.
The frames were some textured pastel coloured ones that have been lurking in my room for ages.  As they were the wrong colour, I peeled off the top layer and coloured them with Old Paper and Stormy Sky Distress Inks which happened to go really well with a remnant of scrapbook paper, so used it to make the tag.  The 'tie' is from a  hanging pot plant holder I was given years ago. Although I tried different embellishments, I liked the tag with just the words.


  1. A lovely tag - I had to look closely as I have almost identical photos of my dad and his parents looking out of a tent flap and my grandmother with three friends standing in the sea in the exact same costumes! I love what you've done with them and can't think why I didn't use mine for this weeks theme! Lovely background paper, and you did a great job on the frames.

  2. The frames just make these photo's, such a lovely tag x

  3. I think we all have pictures hidden away of our parents like this. It is charming Sharne
    Lynn and the Doodly Birds

  4. Love this idea and the colours are fab. Can I ask about the words Sharne, are they made with metal magic? :0)

  5. How lovely to have such wonderful old photos - great tag! Valerie

  6. That a nice photo to have. love the slide frames!

  7. I love those vintage pictures. I have some of those slide frames that I need to use. You just gave me a great idea.

  8. What lovely vintage pics...and a beautifully displayed in the little slides! I've also got some of these frames ....thank you for the inspiration :) A wonderful tag!

  9. Great photos! Love the way you have used them on your tag - fab! Carolyn x

  10. Wonderful photos and I love the simplicity of the tag.

  11. Great idea to use these photos and preserve them for posterity!
    Jane x

  12. Hi Sharne. Your tag shows off the fab vintage photos perfectly. You were right less is more in this instance. I am so glad you saved your Aunts photos. I wonder how many fab photos we have lost in this way.

  13. Love your vintage photos. It's lovely to have such fun family vintage photos. The ones I have are all studious ones taken at weddings or in a studio.

  14. The slide frames work really well with these charming photos - I would like to hear the stories behind these.


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