Monday 16 July 2012


Hi everyone! just got back from a lovely week away on in our little caravan to Oban 
 Although I did actually make my tag on time, I had trouble trying to post it using my phone, so I gave up and decided to wait until I got back home.
I did not pack any ideas with me for the swimming theme but not giving up I cut out a tag shape from the cardboard back from a packet of biscuits and cutouts from the available leaflets and magazines on site. 
Lovely little painted cottages and houses, so often seen by the lochs and glens and in the centre I featured a cut out of the famous 'Corryvreckan Whirlpool '

 I cut out swimming costumes and swimming ring from flowers and greenery,
 thinking that the whirlpool was the last place I would like to find myself swimming!
I did have some embroidery threads with me and used the colours of the Scottish heathers that are now starting to appear among the rocks in the hills all around the highlands now.
The weather in Oban was beautiful sunny and warm.
I will post some more pictures of there on my blog if you would like to see.


  1. I love it! I believe that we're most innovative when we are limited by material availability. I can't do posts with photographs on my iPhone or iPad either, so I carry a lap top with me on trips. It's crazy. Have a great week and blessings!

  2. Great memory of your holiday on a tag - I did this on holidays too as it's a shame to let all those great images from holiday brochures go to waste. You have used them really well here.

  3. Really cool! Love the swimwear floating in there!

  4. Brilliant idea, and such a memory. The whirlpool looks awesome! Great use of what you had to hand. x

  5. Beautiful tag! How creative to use the things you did! Valerie

  6. So clever to make such a great tag with so few resources - it's very effective.

  7. A great result for such limited resources. Fantastic whirlpool image, love the swimming costumes, Envious of you for going somewhere sunny and warm, still wet and cold here in the South! Jane xx

  8. I'm same as Arnoldo in that I can't post from my iPad so next week I will have to wait till I get home from my sisters in Oxford unless I can use her laptop.
    You've set me thinking Yvonne with your tag. What a nice novel postcard it has made. Hmmm, might have to give that a go.
    Glad you had a good time
    Lynn x

  9. The whirlpool is splendid with the little clothing items in it. It's hard to believe you did this with such limited resources.

  10. Thank you so much everyone for your lovely comments i have had very little time to come and read and comment this week i have been so busy out and about and catching up! I haven't even begun this weeks tag and I only have one day left! not like me at all!


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