Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Theatre and Cinema

Hello everyone, hope you’ve all had a good week.  For this week’s theme  I tried to think of a film or play that might connect the other themes for this month.   GREASE kept coming to mind because of its Drive-in theatre and Fairground Scene finale; I’m also in a bit of a pink mood, so this really ‘Fit the Bill’.   I looked on-line for images and was surprised to see that GREASE The Musical was coming to Bournemouth for one week only.  So in the name of Research for Tag Tuesday, last night I was off to the THEATRE for Opening Night (any excuse!!).  It was a fantastic show.  The  whole 'Summer Nights' idea is just perfect for these August Themes.
For my main tag, I used a flyer for the show.  On one side I have covered over most of the writing with my ticket, a strip of advertising material with 'MUSICAL' on it, all embellished with some black and white musical notes confetti.
I then made 4 smaller tags –
One with the ‘T’ BIRDS logo, one with the Pink Ladies logo, another has the GREASE car logo.  My favourite small tag has the theatrical comedy / tragedy masks with pink ribbons. I added a musical clef and notes.  They are attached together with pink and black ribbons.

I am really enjoying the background study that must be done for Tag Tuesday!  I’m really looking forward to the FAIRGROUND and CIRCUS weeks!  When are we having TROPICAL ISLANDS for a theme?

Thank you for all your kind comments on my AMUSEMENTS tag, they are much appreciated.  Thank you also for sharing and inspiring me with all your tags, they are all a real treat to look at as soon as I have posted mine on the blog!
Bye for now and have a great, creative week.
Jane xx


  1. What a great idea! Great tag too-- really gives the feel of the show! And very funny about "researching" tropical islands!!

  2. Love this - theme, colours and everything! Valerie

  3. So much thought has gone into this & it shows - FAB tags and awesome colour scheme :0)

  4. I like your kind of research! I've never seen Grease on stage, but it's one of the movies my daughters and I loved to watch on video. When I was a teenager, my cousin and I used to sing and dance along the sound track for the fun of it. I thought I looked like John Travolta. LOL!

  5. I got chills, their multiplying!!
    Way cool tag!

  6. How wonderful that you combined a theatre experience as you researched your tag idea!LOVE THIS!!

  7. Wonderful! Both the tag and the fact that you got to the theatre. xx

  8. How I loved Grease! I shall be singing all day! Great set of tags x

  9. Wonderful set of "Grease" tags and a great way to display your ephemera

  10. Way to go Jane! Great stuff! You have put so much time and thought into this. Love your kind of research too.

    Pat x

  11. A fab tag, very thoughtfully created.

  12. Well the research definately paid off...What fab little tags...'Grease' is one of my fave films and musicals....

  13. Hey Jane ... gorgeous tag!!!

    The themes for the rest of this year will be seasonal ones but I'm very happy to take theme requests and fit them in next year ... if everyone wants to carry on in 2013 that is!

    I'll mention this quite soon xx

  14. This is amazing. Each detail is perfectly done and combining the tags into one worked perfectly. Great colors - The Pink Ladies would love them!

  15. You have been busy! Great references to the film, and great use of that distinctive pink!

  16. WOW! Such creativity! Well done - its fab. Carolyn x

  17. Great research inspires great art! Lovely post Jane and pretty pink tag collection - The pink ladies would definitely approve!

  18. Having such a great time looking at this week's tag, and yours are no exception. Oh, I so wanted to be Olivia Newton John .... your interpretation captures the "Grease" fun so well.


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