Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Theatre and Cinema

Well here is my submission this week - Harvey is one of my all time favourite films, starring one of my all time favourite actors. I wouldn't complain about watching this at least once a week :0)

I got the images and film negative courtesy of t'internet and the ticket from Tim Holtz. I printed the film negative onto acetate so it would look relatively 'real' and I used some also for the tie.
Thank you all for your fantastic comments on my tag last week. The ones I've seen so far this week are simply incredible! Can't wait to see the rest :0) xx


  1. Lovely tag, and Harvey is a film to watch again and again! Valerie

  2. I love James Stewart too, as well as your clever use of materials. Blessings!

  3. Can't go wrong with Jimmy Stewart! Nice tag!

  4. OMGosh, you did such a great job with this tag!! Beautiful!
    I just recently was involved in a community play of Harvey. I just raised funds, but it was wonderful to see my peers act on stage for the very first time!

  5. Another lovely tag, clever use of the acetate, especially using a sliver of it for the tie, Jane xx

  6. I'll have to catch up with this film.I haven't seen it!!
    Love your tag!

  7. Lovely tag and great techniques.

  8. They don't make 'em like they used to! Great tag x

  9. A tag that James would be very proud of. Great technique

  10. I adore this film too I love the way you have represented it in your clever tag.

    Pat x

  11. Hate to admit I dont know this film, but I love your tag.

  12. Brilliant tag...love how you have printed on the acetate..and the ticket is a fab touch!

  13. Loved the film and have to say that this is an incredible tag. Every little detail is perfect!

  14. Great idea to use negatives for the tie!

  15. The acetate was a great idea. Wonderful! Carolyn x

  16. Great idea to print on to acetate - frames your images beautifully Mo. I haven't seen this film so I will keep an eye out for it.

  17. Not only have you chosen such an interesting film, but the image from it is great! I really like the use of the printed acetate - a good technique to remember - thanks.


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