Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Hi everyone,
This weeks tag proved difficult for me - I found whatever I did the owl looked too cartoon-like.  So I decided to hide him!  He is tucked behind a piece of printed silk, and because he was still too visible I covered the tag with acetate printed with a silhouette tree.

A huge thank you to everyone who left such uplifting and supportive comments last week -  the tags were fabulous and I can't wait to see what everyone's done for this weeks theme.


  1. Beautiful, Diana! I'm not a big fan of owls, but your design is lovely. The silk is a great addition and I love the cover of printed acetate.

  2. I see no hint of 'cartoonishness' at all. I think this is beautiful Diana. :0)

  3. Beautiful, delicate and gentle its lovely Diana!

  4. Awh he's lovely Diana. Just how an owl should look

  5. This is a beauriful interpretation of the theme, I love it! x

  6. Great outcome! Its a beautiful tag.

  7. Love this, fabulous owl & textures.. Hugs May x x x

  8. Great decision to use the silk and acetate. This is such a beautiful tag with mystery and shadow - the owl world at night!

  9. I LOVE the artsy feel of your tag. Blessings!

  10. Wow! I think the whole the is just stunning - a real work of art! :)

  11. This is so delicate and beautiful! This is truly an inspired and inspiring piece!

  12. A really beautiful, subtle result, lovely, Jane xx

  13. Oh this is beautiful Diana..love the materials you have used...a striking little tag!

  14. I don't think your owl looks cartoon at all Diana but I do think he looks shy and timid and the treatment you have given him with the layering adds to that mood. I think he was hiding away in that tree and then the moon came out from behind a cloud and revealed him to us for just a moment - love it.

  15. Love how he's peering out at us.

  16. Love your peek a boo owl! Carolyn x

  17. Lovely tree in the foreground, and owl behind. The colours and textures are great.
    Jane x


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