Saturday, 1 December 2012

Keeping Warm

Greetings!  With the first Sunday of Advent coming up this weekend, it's time to start wrapping presents for the Christmas holidays.  Therefore, I took advantage of this week's theme to design a small series of Christmas gift tags.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
It was fun making tags to wrap my presents!  I used basic manila tags for my base, which were only 2 3/4 x 1 3/8 inches (7 x 3.5 cm).  I trimmed each tag with a band of Christmas print by K&Company.  Then, I made 3 different origami hats, which I trimmed with miniature green rick-rack and pompoms.  I glued the hats to the tags and outlined the tags with  squiggles using a red Sharpie micron pen.  I used basic Kraft boxes to enclose my presents and tied big gold metallic bows on them.  I felt the latter helped make my tags the focal point.

I truly get a warm feeling out of wrapping Christmas presents for family and friends.  However, it's easy to forget about the true meaning of the season, which is to rejoice in the coming of the Messiah.  Blessings!

"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God."  Hebrews 13:16


  1. These tags and story certainly leave a warm glowing feeling Arnaldo! Many blessings to you too! x

  2. What lovely little tags, and they look so good on your beautifully wrapped gifts. Your family and friends will love them!

  3. Beautiful tags and presents! Valerie

  4. Clever tags and gorgeous gifts. Lucky recipients!

  5. Those lovely little tags are very layered and you put time into making them. I wondered how much fun it was to adhere that little round green pieces? Then I saw the ric rac and other bits.
    Valerie they truly are a piece of art and I hope the recipient uses them as book marks or something. Thank you so much for posting with us at WAW.
    Psalm 103 Blessings,
    Carole Robb Bisson,
    Word Art Wednesday

  6. The packaging really does set your little tags off a treat. A lovely slant on the keeping warm theme. Hugs Mrs A.

  7. These tags are wonderful, Arnoldo. Who wouldn't LOVE getting them attached to a gift? You can tell they took some time talent and TLC. Thanks for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday.

  8. Just love your teeny weeny origami hats, fab mini ric-rac, Thanks for bringing Christ into Christmas, Jane xx

  9. Super as usual! How lucky to receive one of these beautiful gifts! Carolyn x

  10. Lovely little hats and tags in celebration of the Christ Child.xx

  11. How beautiful! It would almost be a shame to open them! :o)

  12. Very intricate, and the bows are lovely.


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