Saturday, 1 December 2012

Keeping Warm

Hi Everyone!
My tag this week isn't really a tag!
For the theme this week, the first thing that came into my head was a warm jumper, so I decided to knit one. I remembered a pattern I had for knitting a miniature jumper out of wire, so here is my tiny wire jumper. It measures 3" by 5" (7.5 by 12.5cm), and it knitted with Artistic Wire on size 11(2.75) needles If you want to see the details of the book I used check it out on my blog here.
Fab tags again last week, and am off to check out this week's when I have posted.


  1. Amazing! This must have taken an age to do and such patience. Well done Jane :0) Mo

  2. Wow-- how cool! Am womdering how big this is?

  3. Fab idea. I have seen another blogger who knits bracelets and necklaces in wire but this is taking it to another level. Hugs Mrs A.

  4. goodness me this is exquisite! Did you knit it on piano wire needles I wonder? x

  5. Cool! I can't knit, but it seems to me it would be a lot more difficult in such a small scale. Blessings!

  6. Fantastic piece, it must have been hard knitting with wire, but the results are great! Hugs, valerie

  7. This is just exquisite - so delicate and clever. Just lovely.

  8. Thanks for your nice comments. I have added a few details to my post and updated it. I like knitting with unusual yarns, and for my Final Major Project on the Access course I knitted a whole washing line of clothes, including a full size skirt out of garden wire!

  9. Very clever, I'm glad you included the size! Knitting with garden wire for your access course must have been tricky!Jane xx

  10. Wowee! I am in awe at your patience and dexterity. Great little jacket!xx

  11. Wow! That's amazing - it could have been knitted by spiders! :o)


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