Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Letter P

Hi :D - Tuesday again! I've had a great time looking at everyone's P tags so far this week and what a load of crackers they are!
The first word I thought of was Papyrus; I remember it being one of my favourite parts of learning history at school and then I saw Jane, of Creativity Abound's beautiful tag and her most informative post that includes some info about Papyrus
I went the simpler route, and chose Paper. As crafters', we all use soo much of soo many different kinds of the stuff; obtained from all kinds of places. From paper stacks, gifts from friends, cleverly hand-made paper, magazine freebies and online purchases, to name but a few of such places; we use it all. So here is what I came up with using papers from each of the places I named

 And this is what it looked like before I put it together and titivated it a little.

Thank you for looking and thank you all for the lovely comments on my 'O' tag last week.
Take care, and I'll see you next week, right on Queue (hehehe) *hugs* :0) Mo xx


  1. Clever tag, love your P!!

  2. Love it!

  3. Great idea to celebrate the stuff we couldn't do without Mo. Love the layered flip idea.

  4. Lovely tag Mo great colours, lot of work in there too!

  5. What a clever layering effect, I love this! X

  6. Great idea for a tag, and beautifully made. I feel as if this should be our Tag emblem as we all use so much paper!
    Jane x

  7. Where would we be without the stuff? Lovely colourful tag, love all the patterns. Glad you liked my post, Jane xx

  8. What a lovely thought Jane Greiner, thank you very much :D x

  9. Great idea the way the tag opens up! Jules


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