Wednesday, 3 April 2013

M is for MOTHS

Not the horrid little critters which munch on your favourite woolly jumpers, but the rather attractive exotic kind of moths. Finding a vintage image wasn't hard this time, as I have an old book on moths in my collection!

As they are creatures of the night, I used a photograph of the night sky which I had taken in France a couple of years ago for the background. I used a couple of metal lace fragments ( shimmery from the moonlight ), and made a little 3D moth with a printed image, a little wire and a pipe cleaner.

Thank you so much for all the comments on my spot the bird competition tag last week. They made me feel so much better about it! 

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Gorgeous tag - your little homemade moth is so clever! :o)

  2. Nice choice! Great job!

  3. Oh this is a beautiful tag, so lovingly made, I love it! X

  4. How wonderful Lululiz! I used to 'hate' moths until I saw a programme about an experiment to see what appears in the night and lights were left lit in a white tent and what gorgeous moths appeared! I changed my mind about them them. This is a fab tag! :0) mo

  5. Beautifully delicate - captures the little creature so well!

  6. beautiful tag I love that lace trim x

  7. THis is so lovely, Liz. I adore your little 3D moth. The night sky in rural France on a clear night is a sight to behold isn't it! In the summer I sometimes lie on the grass just gazing at the stars! Carolyn xx

  8. Moths are much maligned but your gorgeous tag celebrates their beauty. That lace is scrummy!

  9. Lovely tag and good idea to use moths for the subject.
    Jane x

  10. Stunning work, Fabulous design & background... Love it!! Hugs May x x


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