Thursday 23 May 2013

Letter T

Bonjour tag friends!
I have chosen T for Tag!  I am late this week because my creativity seems to have gone on holiday and I have spent hours staring into space and tearing up unsatisfactory efforts!  However, enough is enough, so here is my T tag!  I cannot even boast about the weather this week as it is miserably cold and rainy for spring here in SW France!  Oh dear, I am having a moan, aren't I!!!  Hope you are all well - am off to have a peek at your T's. 
A bientot!  Carolyn xxx


  1. Sehr schöne Arbeit, wir haben das gleiche Wetter hier! Valerie

  2. Love your tag-- great, peaceful blues!

  3. This is a very pretty tag, cheer up, good weather must be round the corner-mustn't it? Please? I so know what you mean about feeling down when it's gloomy, good job we have our crafts! X

  4. This is very pretty. It feels very nautical to me :D It's very cold here too Carolyn. Spring? No. Straight to Autumn I think, haha. Oh, well, no heat stroke at least ;)

  5. No risk of sunburn here in South of England either. Your cool blue tag seems right on cue! lovely tag, Jane xx

  6. Well whatever you did to foil your lack of inspiration worked! It's very artistic and the colours are perfect together.

  7. Great tag! I love the colour and vintage feel to it :)

  8. Lovely tag with great French typography. You managed to win against the artist's block! Weather is very changeable here too, lucky we have our art to keep us going!
    Jane x


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