Wednesday 10 July 2013

Letter Z and Italy Tags

Greetings!  I apologise for my absence last week, but I was out of town visiting family.  Therefore, I will begin with a quick posting of my Letter Z tag before moving to the one inspired by Italy.

For the Letter Z, I was inspired by the King James (KJV) Biblical passage found in Revelations 1:8, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."  However, I substituted the Greek letter Omega (Ω) for the letter "Z," which is the last letter in the alphabet used in the English language.  To make the tag, I began by cutting a 2" equilateral triangular card to represent the Holy Trinity - it actually opens.  I illuminated my hand lettering with micron pens, Prismacolor pencils, a metallic PITT artist pen, and an ink pad.  As a finishing touch, I laced some strands though the spine using a binding needle and tied a bead to 3 of them.

For my Italy tag, I was inspired by Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio, the classic Italian fairytale about the puppet-boy whose nose grows if he tells a lie.  I decided to design a face changing puppet, so that I could illustrate Pinocchio's nose growth.  I began by drawing his body, and then used it as a guide to draw both faces proportionally.  The 2 faces are actually attached by a common neck piece.  I used micron pens, watercolor brush pens, and Prismacolor pencils to color him.  Next, I placed the 2-face piece behind the body piece and attached them with a brad, which I then covered with the bow tie.  To complete the tag look, I laced a tie with a binding needle through each of the hats' points.  By rotating the head piece, Pinocchio's truthful and deceitful expressions can be revealed.

I hope you enjoyed my double feature this week - LOL!  Thank you for your kind comments during my last post, as well as for all the inspiration you provide with your creative tags.  Blessings!


  1. Lovely tags, especially Pinocchio! Valerie

  2. Both are super! And aren't you clever with Pinocchio's face?! Creative choice too.

  3. both are very clever and creative

  4. Both these tags are superb , but I love Pinocchio. When I thought about Italy, I briefly thought about this wonderful story but didn't know how to portray it as a tag. You have done it brilliantly!

  5. Anonymous11 July, 2013

    WOW! Both are wonderful tags! I am so touched by your honoring the Lord with the symbolism for that
    scripture. Helps keep life in perspective, doesn't it? Your use of the pens and shading is excellent, and your design for both is very inventive. I enjoyed reading about the construction of both. You knocked these out of the park!

  6. Sometimes I hate where my keys are located on my laptop! I pressed something and couldn't properly sign my previous comment, so "anonymous" is me! :-)

  7. Glad you posted z Arnoldo, such a clever interpretation. As for your Italian one, wow! How clever, and your drawing of Pinocchio is brilliant, how creative to make his face change that way, well up to your usual brilliance dear friend! X

  8. Wonderful tags and I love the Pinocchio images.

    Chrissie x

  9. I didn't know Pinocchio was Italian. See how educational this Blog is! Loved it and your ingenious design.

  10. I adore your Z tag and the Pinocchio idea is brilliant! Carolyn xx

  11. You have used some amazing techniques to create your tags. They are very special!
    Sue xx

  12. As always, both tags as brilliant. I especially love Pinocchio!

  13. Both tags are amazing but I especially love Pinocchio!

  14. Brilliant tags, love the drawings.

  15. Both great tags, Arnoldo! I love the thinking behind the Z one and your illustration of it. Your Pinoccio tag is very imaginative, lovely drawing and colouring in.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I will be posting more gelli prints soon, as I just keep on making more!
    Jane x

  16. Firstly, your Z tag is beautifully designed and such a clever idea.
    Secondly, I love your Italy tag with the naughty Pinocchio! So creative to have his face interchangeable.

  17. You Pinocchio is such a clever idea and beautifully drawn :o)


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