Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Pleats and Folds

Hi Everyone, 
I am pleased to report a slight improvement in the
weather conditions, although is still raining on and off.
There is nothing like a bit of studio time to help you to forget about it,
and I have been very productive, and am in the middle of a good
tidy up as well! Hope you have all had a good week. The insect
tags were great!
I was very pleased with this week's theme, as I love everything to do with fabric!
For my tag, I used an image from my book of Victorian costumes, which I went over the detail of the folds and pleats with a black fine liner. The background came from a pattern book of Victorian dresses, and is the template for creating a dress with many pleats. I made some pleats in a similar checked fabric and finished off with a lace trim.
I have photographed it on textiles book by Colette Wolff, called The Art of Manipulating Fabric. The reason for this is, when I was doing my City and Guilds (Embroidery and Stitched Textiles) at Windsor, I spent several weeks studying this book,and made quite a few samples from it. If you would like to know more about folds and pleats, (it doesn't mention tucks), this book has an incredible amount of information about them. Did you know how many different kinds of pleats there are? I haven't counted exactly, but Colette Woolf has seven sections on pleats!! That is quite a lot!


  1. I've got that book Jane. What a great idea to use it for inspiration

  2. I had no idea there were that many different pleats! Lovely tag to go with it too. ~Diane

  3. Beautiful & unique idea for this weeks theme. I used to love my pleated skirts as a wee girl :o)

  4. This is clever combining these together Jane.I have this book and it is very inspiring!

  5. Wonderful idea for this week's theme.

    Chrissie x

  6. This is such a clever tag! It makes me think of the samplers used by costume and fashion designers when working on a garment. Blessings!

  7. what a great book! i'd never heard of it. this is neat, what you've done, very clever. xo

  8. Very clever idea, must have a look for that book.

  9. Wonderful tag! Gosh, dressmakers must have been very skilled to carry out all that intricate pleating etc.! Carolyn xx

  10. Great tag! Love the many ways inspiration comes to us.
    Stay out of the rain and keep creating. :)

  11. Wonderful tag! IO love that book! I didn't purchase it, but I have thought about it many years!
    I learned trupunto in a sewing class and that book has a great section on it, if I recall correctly! Love the dress on your tag!


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