Thursday, 30 April 2015

Holes - The Great Escape

I know, frogs in a big paper bag is really not on, but those naughty little boys had been catching frogs all morning and all they had to carry them home in was a big paper bag which had held their sandwiches. But the frogs were not too keen on being moved from their homes. They managed to tear a big hole in the bag and hoppedihop, The Great Escape was on the way! -

Have fun! Toodlepip xxx


  1. Just love this, it's fabulous. Love your fun tag.

  2. Excellent Lululiz! It made me smile :o))

  3. wow - wow - wow - it´s so cool!!!!

  4. Amazing tag with a wonderful story

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Awesome tag!!! I love the ripped bag and the escaping frogs!!

  6. I REALLY love this super cute and very inventive. X

  7. Oh Liz, you have made me chuckle! This is really marvellous! How on earth did you think of such a wonderful idea?
    Carolyn xx

  8. Awesome tag Liz! So creative!


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