Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Hello Everyone,
I have been AWOL again. I went to Copenhagen with some arty farty  friends and completely 'did myself in' You have to do these things while you still can though don't you?
No more complaining. Here is my Tag for 'Holes'  
Blimey! this got the old grey matter ticking over I can tell you trying to do something a little different.
I added some twinkles and the swirly effect in Photoshop. The Rabbit is  a copy from 

I added a card I made ages ago with an Alice theme, using an image of The real Alice.


  1. A magnificent tag Pat!! And the Alice card is fabulous too! :o))

  2. Oh, wow, both of these are gorgeous!!!

  3. Terrific idea for the tag and an amazing card

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. the brilliance of this takes my breath away! so creative and wonderful! xo

  5. Great idea and beautifully done. done

  6. You made a great tag!! so cool!

  7. Fantastic work! I just love those stripey legs disappearing down the hole! Very clever.
    Carolyn xx


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