Monday, 1 August 2016

coffee and tea

Hey there!! all you creative Tag Tuesday souls!
I'm so sorry that I'm late on this post.
Yes very late, but life just seems to get the the way at times.
For this tag I used the sugar pack from the last coffee (espresso) I had at the nearby lake.
And a simple sketch 
 I love both coffee and tea. But, the most important thing to me is 
NO paper cup please, I'm a porcelain gal. 

{ Coffee & Tea }



  1. Lovely tag. China cups are good, but for me the contents are more important, not what's outside! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Super tag - love the coffee cup!!

  3. this is wonderful and has a rustic feel. yes to reusable cups! xo

  4. Ach ist das hübsch! Kram, wühl, wo hab ich meine Papiertütchen vom geliebten Jasmintee? Du bringst mich auf eine Idee, lach! Ja, lasst uns alle Porzellan benutzen! Herzlich, Eva


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