Wednesday 18 April 2012


How those Doodly Birds love to get together.
Here they are singing merrily in the trees
 while Mama Doodly waits for Papa Doodly to bring home the bread.
And the spring flowers in Doodly Land rustle in the gentle breeze.
Or is there a little birdy playing behind their leaves.

Oh, crikey I'm at it again making up little stories.
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments last week and to Carolyn for the lovely backdrop.
Have a look how the Doodlies have settled on their new perch


  1. These are made with such love and bring delight to all the TT members ;-)

  2. Dear Lynn, I love your Doodly birds in their Doodly Land !!
    Thankyou for visiting my blog. The background is one by Danni.There is a little advert in top left of screen.She has some lovely free designs for people. Just click on the name there, and it will take you to her site.
    Sounmds like you've been a bit "Doolally" too..hehe.

  3. So pretty Lynn, love those doodles! Valerie

  4. Very cute! Love the tiny circular flower picks!

  5. Doodle flowers for the doodle birdies! Absolutely fabulous! Love them and this tag x

  6. I love the spring flowers and of course the doodly birds - really happy, sunny, spring-like tag.
    Have you thought of writing a children's story book - I bet you could!

  7. I can see the Doodly family getting on TV too! Great fun tag, Jane xx

  8. Your doodly birds are adorable.

  9. Hi Lynn, I look forward every week to the new adventures of the doodly birds - thanks - I love the little story you've created for the tag.

  10. What a lovely colourful tag. Very spring like and lots of fun.

  11. your Doodlybirds are so cute, delightful :)

  12. Oh, Lynn..this has to be one of my favourite Doodly Bird creations so far! Love your spring flowers!
    Jan x

  13. I have enjoyed the latest episode of the Doodly Bird family!

    Jane x


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