Wednesday 25 April 2012


When I read "purple" for this week's theme, I thought of the novel by Alice Walker, 'The Color Purple". ( I think that was the movie that gave Oprah Winfrey her first claim to fame). I always loved the cover of the book, which was of a purple silhouette of a women in a rocking chair. My tag this week is a photo of me taken by my husband, when a huge ship, Pasha Bulker, went aground on Newcastle Beach ( NSW, Australial)  in 2007,  not so far from where we live.  The shadow of the freighter is visible stuck on the shore.  This was taken  just as the sun was rising , and the colours (purple-pink)  were a lot lighter in the original. I enhanced  the purple tones for this tag,  trimmed the photo to size, added some painted torn vellum for the border, and some twisted wire ties.  I have only had a peek at this week's tags already posted, so am about to look more carefully - it seems purple is a favourite colour and has inspired really fantastic art this week - congratulations to all.


  1. Love this tag Wilma.That was an amazing event with the grounding of that ship.
    Thanks for the visits and comments on my blog. Thanks for alerting me to this great site.I LOVE doing the themes each week.

  2. Love the book and how you've translated the cover art into your own ideas. Great shades of red and purple.

  3. What a beautifully moody tag. Well done. It was a touching book. Have a good week.
    One I made Earlier Today

  4. I also loved that book and I think you've done a great job using it as inspiration for this weeks tag. The colours are beautiful and it has a very tranquil feel to it - lovely!

  5. Great tag! I know the book cover and you have taken the idea and made it very much your own.

  6. Very nice-- the tops trims really add!

  7. Very atmospheric! I love this interpretation x

  8. Great Piece Wilma! Valerie

  9. Great colours, love the wire tie and torn edge trim, Jane xx

  10. Such a clever and thought provoking tag. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Pat x

  11. fab little tag...very creative!
    Jan x


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