Thursday 26 April 2012


This is Mo's tag for purple.  Mo is a new player who doesn't have a blog but is playing along by posting her tags on flickr.  This is Mo's first attempt at a tag so we welcome her along on Tag Tuesday and hope she enjoys crafting more tags


  1. Purple is one of my favourite colours :-) Great piece!! Hugs.

  2. What a great start! Before you know it, you will be well on the way to becoming a tagaholic.

  3. Well done! Before you know it you'll be blogging and all sorts! Glad you've come along x

  4. Hello Mo, I am so glad that you have joined in and well done to you. I can't wait to see what you produce next.
    There's a little parcel in the post to you which might help you along.
    Lynn xx
    One I Made Earlier Today

  5. Oh my goodness! This is very exciting for me! Thank you for adding my effort here and thank you ALL for the lovely warm welcome and super kind comments! You are all amazingly talented and so I know I will pick up lots of tips & inspiration from round here.
    I really enjoyed doing this and have already started thinking about the next one. I think you're right Lululiz, hehe ;)
    Lynn - You have my heart <3
    Mo x

  6. Welcome aboard! I look forward to your tags!

  7. I am so pleased to have my mate Mo on here.. she's done nothing but rave about you Lyn.. and now I know why!n

  8. Welcome to the group, Mo, from another Tagaholic! Jane xx

  9. Welcome, and well done Mo. Do I spy a little piece of crochet? Very innovative.

    Pat x

  10. Welcome Mo...a fab taggy start :) love the little crochet detail! Beware...these tags are highly addictive LOL!!
    Jan x

  11. Welcome to the group Mo. A lovely first tag.

  12. Welcome to Tag Tuesday Mo, Lovely little tag :) I especially like the purple heart, I wish I could crochet, I have tried so many times to learn but it's not getting any better:( as the others have said tags become very addictive!
    Everytime I talk about tags now to friends and family I get glazed looks!
    Now back to next Tuesdays Tag ......


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